At Least Two Candidates for President of Russia Will be Seeking 300,000 Valid Signatures

According to this story, at least two candidates will be seeking to get on the ballot for President of Russia as independent candidates. They are incumbent Vladimir Putin, and Yakaterina Duntsova. Each needs 300,000 signatures because neither is running as the nominee of a qualified party. A qualified party must have some legislators. Putin could have been a party nominee but he is choosing to run as an independent.

The election is March 15-17.


At Least Two Candidates for President of Russia Will be Seeking 300,000 Valid Signatures — 6 Comments

  1. Best wishes to the wonderful volunteers gathering signatures for President Putin and his well deserved reelection, the awesome citizens taking a few moments out of their busy day to sign for Him, Patriarch Kiril, our brave boys on the front lines of the Special Operation, all faithful Orthodox Christian Nationalist White Power Skinheads throughout the great Russian Federation, all heroic glorious Slavic broodmare housewives and mothers who make the 14 words come alive throughout our incipient Eurasian Union, our hard working military intelligence infowariors, all Russian speaking penal colony guards throughout Christendom, the entire Presidential staff at the Kremlin, all Russian Orthodox priests, and everyone standing up for the Russian cause everywhere.

  2. He doesn’t run it. He’s an actor/puppet hired by the devil worshipping pedophiles who actually do as a propaganda stooge to con other countries governments out of endless billions of dollars worth of weapons, cash, and whatever else he can shake them down for as many times as he can run the scam unless and until they find another con man who’s better at it by whatever point that will be.

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