No Democratic Presidential Primary Candidate is on the Ballot in All the Democratic Presidential Primaries

No one who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination is on the ballot in all the Democratic presidential primaries. President Joe Biden is not on in New Hampshire, and Dean Phillips chose not to file in Nevada.

Biden is off the ballot in New Hampshire because the primary is not in conformity with national Democratic rules; it is on January 23, which is too early. National Democratic Party rules say South Carolina should have the earliest presidential primary.

But New Hampshire will count Biden write-ins. In New Hampshire, there is no procedure for a write-in candidate to ask to have his or her write-ins counted. New Hampshire counts them automatically if they are more than just a handful.

As to Republicans, the only candidate who is on all Republican presidential primaries is Nikki Haley. The other leading contenders did not file in Nevada, because the state party said people who file in the (unwanted) presidential primary may not compete in the party’s Nevada caucus.


No Democratic Presidential Primary Candidate is on the Ballot in All the Democratic Presidential Primaries — 12 Comments


    Michigan Supreme Court won’t hear appeal seeking to block Trump from state’s primary ballot
    Beth LeBlanc
    The Detroit News
    The Michigan Supreme Court will not take up an appeal seeking to have former President Donald Trump disqualified from the state’s primary ballot.
    In a brief order Wednesday, the high court said it is “not persuaded that the questions presented should be reviewed by this court.”
    But Justice Elizabeth Welch, one of four Democratic-nominated justices on the seven-member high court, argued in a dissent that it is important for the court to weigh in on the question of Trump’s eligibility.
    Welch wrote that she would have upheld the Court of Appeals ruling that found Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is not required to determine the eligibility of a presidential primary candidate since those names are put forward by the political parties in compliance with state law.
    Such a ruling, Welch said, would still allow “appellants to renew their legal efforts as to the Michigan general election later in 2024 should Trump become the Republican nominee for president of the United States or seek such office as an independent candidate.”

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