Steve Garvey, Leading Republican in California U.S. Senate Race, Has the Most Votes for the Short Term but not the Regular Term

California has two U.S. Senate races on the ballot this year. They are both for the same seat. One race is for the two-and-one-half momth term from election day to January 2025. The other is the full, normal six-year term.

For some reason, the leading Republican in both races has more votes than anyone else for the short term, but not the regular term. In the short term race, Garvey has 1,317,911 votes, whereas Adam B. Schiff, the leading Democrat, has 1,173,917. Of course there are millions of votes left to count, so this may change.


Steve Garvey, Leading Republican in California U.S. Senate Race, Has the Most Votes for the Short Term but not the Regular Term — 22 Comments

  1. Commie fascist quisling Biden vs Christian patriot savior Trump

    Spoiler alert; TRUMP wins, saves America, hallelujah!

  2. Hey DUMB AZ, this thread is about Steve Garvey and the California Senate races, not Nikki Haley or the SCOTUS or any of your other DROOLING DETROIT DRIVEL !!

  3. Watching Garvey highlights getting pumped for his eventual beat down of Shifty Schiff!

  4. Schaffer is uh a great defender of democracy and triumpherize uh… yeah you know the thing.

    I’m going to bed.

  5. Richard: I would be careful about reporting on results with “millions of votes left to count”. In February, Bill Redpath linked to an article about a paper rebutting claims of fraud in the 2020 election. In the paper, the authors explained how differences in timing of precinct reporting can give the appearance of fraud.

  6. I don’t understand why he would have the most votes for the full term but not tee short one. That makes no sense.

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