New Jersey Elections Office Posts List of Candidates

The New Jersey State Elections office has posted an unofficial list of candidates for the congressional elections of November 2024.  For U.S. Senate, there are five petitioning candidates, the nominees of the Libertarian, Green, and Socialist Workers Party, and two independent candidates, incumbent Robert Menendez and Patricia Mooneyham.  See here.

For U.S. House, the Green Party has nominees in all twelve districts, the first time that party has ever run for all seats in New Jersey.  The Libertarian Party has seven; the Socialist Workers Party has one.  There are also thirteen independents.  See here.


New Jersey Elections Office Posts List of Candidates — 56 Comments

  1. It will be interesting to see if any candidate gets 50% of the vote.

    And, doubly interesting if this election decides the control of the House.

  2. What an election it would be if:

    1) The electoral votes for President are tied.

    2) The Senate is split 50-50.

    3) The House has an independent elected, with the rest split 217-217.

    and 4) the House delegations by states are split 25-25.

  3. Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Big GOP landslide year this year.

  4. No landslide in 2024. No candidate for President will get 50% of the popular vote. Biden IS losing votes, but NOT to Trump, rather to Kennedy. This election will be “wicked close”, as Kennedy might say.

    The battleground states will be chaotic. They will fall every which way. Those states should adopt either run-off, or Maine-type voting for President.

  5. You don’t get it. When Biden loses votes to Kennedy, Trump gains electors. It will be a landslide. Additionally, Biden has already lost a lot of votes to Trump. Young people and minorities are much more likely to vote Trump now than in 2020. Trump has made huge gains in the polls among blacks, Hispanics, under 30, etc.

  6. Well, we will see.

    Trump is not gaining any votes that he hasn’t had before. He has never won many votes outside of his base. It all comes down to how many votes Kennedy is getting, and from where.

  7. That’s not true. You need to dig into the demographic breakdowns in the polls. Trump is up from single digits to 20%+ among blacks and actually leading on some polls among under 30 and Hispanics. To say he’s not gaining any votes he hasn’t had before or winning any votes outside his base is far from being true.

    And it’s obvious where Kennedy will get votes if he does well: almost all Biden support is soft, unlike Trump.

  8. Anyway, the swing states should adopt run-off voting for President, at a minimum.

    If the election isn’t close, it won’t be needed.

    But, if it IS, they may wish they had it.

    At the very least, it COULD get them off the hook for contentious recounts.

  9. At least 40 states and 400 electors for Trump!

  10. Walter Ziobro is misinformed and must be living under a rock to make such ignorant comments.

  11. Walter, like most states, New Jersey’s congressional seats are largely safe for one party. Only one seat, that of Republican Thomas Kean Jr., is even a (highly unlikely) possible tossup. The other Republicans and Democrats can rest easy. I understand that most of the people who comment here are not people actually involved in campaigns, so you people don’t really live in the world of two-party politics and are mostly cranks who come to pretend you actually matter. You don’t, but it’s good to hear your opinions.

  12. I am disappointed that Bob Menendez did not take advantage of the opportunity to use different slogans in different counties.

    In suburban counties he might use I AM NOT A CROOK. In other areas he could use TONY SOPRANO SAYS VOTE FOR BOB; or maybe WHAT”S IT TO YOUSE GUYS

  13. I raise piglets, too, so I’ll stick with the name. And, many of the people here actually do work on Republican campaigns, at least the people I know from our group chat that Max brought over here.

  14. WZ WROTE

    Anyway, the swing states should adopt run-off voting for President, at a minimum.




  16. WZ 944


    1/2 X 1/2 = 1/4




  17. Many of us are very active in the MAGA revolution within the GOP.


  19. MAGA and Trump 2024 are mutually exclusive. 100% pro-MAGA = 100% anti-Trump 2024.

  20. Nonsense, and you’re the same troll who used slurs like MAGAts mere weeks ago (if that). You have zero credibility.

  21. I did? I’d like to see a link to such post by me, because I certainly don’t remember using “MAGAt”, though doing so is also not unimaginable if I were to associate “MAGA” with Trump’s dishonest campaign slogan rather than with Making America Great Again. And you trolls for traitor Trump certainly *do* share many qualities with maggots. However, associating “MAGA” with “maggot” is as insulting to us who unlike Trump actually want to Make America Great Again, as comparing RINO Don’s sycophants and maggots is to the maggots.

    Regardless, as I just said, Making America Great Again and electing Trump in 2024 are mutually exclusive. I voted for Trump in the 2016 general election and foolishly still in the 2020 GOP primary and general election, when I should have voted for Blankenship. But as Trump has doubled down on betraying his voters even more since then, I can’t see any excuse for anyone who claims they want to Make America Great Again to still supporting him.

    If you pretend like that makes me a troll with zero credibility, then it will be clear to everyone that you are projecting. Cute alt though, banderite.

  22. I have no idea who the fuck you imagine or want to pretend I am, and don’t care, but I clearly remember you using the slur MAGAts. I don’t need to look through hundreds of posts to find it. If anyone cares enough, they can do that themselves, and they will find it eventually.

    You either remember that you used this slur, you dishonest piece of shit troll, or you don’t remember what nonsense you post from one month to the next. That’s what makes you a troll with zero credibility, or rather what reveals you to be one.

    I’d ask what the fuck a banderite is if I gave a shit, but I don’t, so I won’t.

    Now, troll some more, you disgusting piece of garbage. I’ll write another check to the Trump for President campaign thanks to you. Keep incentivizing more of us to keep doing it some more.

  23. MAGAts is not a slur, it’s an accurate description. Here’s one of the times you used it:

    ballot-access d0t org/2024/04/27/randall-terry-wins-constitution-partys-presidential-nomination/#comment-1217234

  24. Since you’re claiming to be one now: when was America great? When did it stop being great?

    Not everyone who notices that you’re a troll is the same person, LOL. Some of the other people calling you out for being a troll might themselves be trolls. They’re certainly way off on a lot of issues. That doesn’t make them wrong about you being a troll.

  25. Well jokes on me, I could have saved myself and hour and a half of searching, if I’d just waited and kept refreshing till No dog in this fight posted the link – You say one of the times I used it, do you have any more links? That was the only one I found thus far.

    I was always in favor of Making America Great Again. But the only way I see that happening, barring more miraculous Divine intervention, is through a liberation and denazification by Russia. Certainly not by electing an anti-libertarian, Fauci-endorsing, DeSantis-libeling, J6-betraying, log cabin RINO like Trump.

    The parts of America that were under Spanish and Russian rule, were great at that time. The American Republic of the Founding Father was great. I think there is a case to be made that outside of some dark periods like the Mexican-American War and the Spanish American-War, the United States were largely great right up until Woodrow Wilson, even with the ineligible Chester Arthur having usurped the presidency and Andrew Jackson making a real pigs’ breakfast of his.

  26. @Trump Donor
    You think you are being clever, but haven’t even bothered to mask your choice of words or order of words. It is very obvious who you are, banderite.
    But by all means “write another check to the traitor for president campaign”, whether that traitor be Trump or Biden, because let’s be real here: what you are hoping to achieve by your chronic vulgar trolling, is that people become so disgusted with Trump’s cultists that they vote for Biden just to spite you, which is what you banderites actually wanted them to do all along.
    Again, not clever enough though, because anyone with brains wouldn’t vote for either of them. And anyone with principles as well as brains, wouldn’t get tricked into voting for climate-clown RFK either, but instead vote with their conscience and pick the minor candidate who best represents their values, or else write-in a non-candidate as a protest vote.

  27. I have no idea what you’re babbling about, troll, and I don’t care. Thanks to no dog for proving you used the slur. Whatever you’re “based” in is not reality.

    Banderite does not appear to be a word in the English language, and I still have no idea who you want people to imagine I am, but I don’t care. Your weird fantasies about me and my motives don’t concern me.

    $200 to Trump 2024 is in the mailbox with the flag up thanks to you, troll. It has now been proven and admitted that you use the slur MAGAts while pretending you want to Make America Great Again. You can’t even keep your trolling lies straight.

    Fuck you, and fuck your (pay)master Joe Biden. Go fuck yourself and go to hell, maggot (not “MAGAt,” which doesn’t exist).

  28. My, my, my, banderite troll, aren’t you touchy that your (not very well thought through) plan to drive people into Biden’s claws with maggot behavior was called out. 😏
    I have been very consistent – I always am – but please keep pretending to mail money you don’t have to either traitor, and to fly a flag you don’t own. Your attempts at trolling are very… “cute” in their lack of effort.
    God damn you, along with your (pay)master Joe Biden and Trump the traitor. Look forward to watching you burn in hell for all eternity, banderite maggot.

  29. I know you’re going to keep talking gibberish to yourself, including words you made up on the spot like “banderite”, but there’s no need to type that out on a public forum. The check is in the mailbox, and the mailbox flag is up so the postman knows to pick it up when he comes by in a couple of hours. The check is good, and you’re directly responsible for the contribution.

  30. Sure, sure, banderite troll, that check of yours is totally real and you totally sent it and it’s totally thanks to me… 🙄 Since you insist on pretending to have so much money to burn, you might want to invest some of those imaginary riches in a dictionary – perhaps even an encyclopedia – before you continue to bankrupt yourself just to spite me.

  31. Troll, you’ve gotten boring, a while ago. The check went out. And there’s plenty more where it came from. I’ll max out to the official campaign, pre and post nomination, and there have been and will continue to be donations to Trump PACs. Your illogical fantasies about who ever you want to pretend I am don’t change these facts, so talk all the nonsense and make up all the pretend words you want.

    Yes, the latest donation was thanks to you, and you’re well on your way to inspiring another one. I’m not burning my money. I’m investing it. I may only have a short time left to live, but my grandchildren’s grandchildren and future generations not yet born are the reason why I do what I can to save America.

    Keep talking trash, it will inspire further action to save our Republic and way of life. You are aiding and abetting treason, and you will get what you deserve for that sooner or later.

    When President Trump is back in his rightful office in January, you can go choke on your bile. You won’t stop what’s coming. It will happen despite you.

  32. No, I’m not going to sift through who knows how many posts to find more examples. I’ve seen you use the term at least several times. If anyone cares enough, they can do the digging themselves this time. One example is sufficient to prove you said it.

  33. Regards your answer as to when America was great, apparently it was in the bad old days of slavery and Jim Crow, women treated like slaves and livestock, Indian wars, etc. It may have been great if you were a rich, white, cis heterosexual male Protestant. Otherwise, it sucked. And a big no on going back to all that.

  34. I don’t think Trump Donor is who you think it is. I could be wrong.


    Not everyone who notices that you’re a troll is the same person, LOL. Some of the other people calling you out for being a troll might themselves be trolls. They’re certainly way off on a lot of issues. That doesn’t make them wrong about you being a troll.

  35. I also think you’re a troll. I’m not any of the right wingers who share that opinion. I don’t share their other opinions, only that one .

    I know what “banderite” is only thanks to reading previous comments here. I hold no opinion as to whether you or Fascist Salute is the “false flag banderite.” I support Ukraine against fascist Kremlin aggression, but I’m not from there, have never been there, am by no means an expert, and I’m not sure the US government should be involved at all.

    My best guess is you, Roman, and Trump donor are all separate people. I could easily be wrong. My best guess is you are all three genuine far right schmucks. That could also be wrong.

  36. @Trump Donor
    Banderite troll, it is *you* who’ve gotten boring long since.
    As I said, feel free to make as many donations to either traitor as you can, but since you have so much money to waste, you really should consider investing in a dictionary or even an encyclopedia before you continue to bankrupt yourself like the wannabe Soros you claim to be.
    You “only have a short time left to live”? Imagine being so close to eternal perdition and still behaving so childishly.
    Keep talking trash, it will inspire further action to save *our* Republic and way of life. *You* are aiding and abetting treason, and *you* will get what you deserve for that sooner or later. Either Trump or Biden will be back to pretending to be the US president in January, and then you will see how they are two sides of the same coin but it will be too late to do anything but choke on *your* bile.
    *You* won’t stop what’s coming. It will happen despite *you*. Because God wills it. You will be cast into the lake of fire with your master. Glory be to Christ.

    @No dog in this fight
    You really should have led with “I support Ukraine against fascist Kremlin aggression”, because it means that nothing else you say about anything is worth reading or listening to. You are just another banderite and you will pay the price sooner or later.

  37. Bandera gets a bad rap, based on what I read, but I’m not a follower of his or nationalist for any country, much less halfway around the world. He wasn’t a fascist or Nazi from what I read. Temporarily allied with them against Stalin but later turned against and was imprisoned by them.

    Zelenski doesn’t appear to copy the ultranationalist or totalitarian parts of Bandera platform. They seem much more western and liberal oriented, again based on my very limited knowledge.

    If you genuinely think I’m a follower of some long dead nationalist revolutionary from halfway around the world whom I only heard of thanks to discussions between you and Roman, you’re unbelievably delusional. I don’t think you are. I think you are trolling. I could be wrong, but that’s my best guess. That’s actually kinder to you than the alternative.

  38. In general: nationalism of any kind is pure crap. American is relatively less bad than others, since the US was founded as a proposition nation on the ideas of classical liberalism, but nationalism twists even American ideals.

    Nationalism anywhere else is even worse. Imperialism is also crap. Putin is imperialism + ultranationalism – basically, fascist. Zelenski is like anticolonialist nationalism, but pro western. Still crap bit less crap. Good only as a bulwark against Putin’s fourth Reich, but I’m sure glad I don’t live anywhere near there. I’m skeptical of even sending tax money there. The European Union needs to handle it. Not US.

  39. I never heard of Bandera. I still couldn’t care less. Zelenski should die in a fire. I like Putin better. We need to stay out of it. Europe needs to fight its own wars and pay for them themselves. We need leaders like Lukashenko, Orban, Trump, Meloni, LePen, Farage, Putin, Bolsonaro, Duterte etc in every country.

    You can persist on y’alls delusions. Most of my millions will go to my family. Some to worthy charities, Southern Baptist causes, UGa, and some to Trump and MAGA PACs and candidates and GOP as long as it stays MAGA. I might could live another 5 or 10 years, maybe less, probably not more. We need to save America and make her great again. TRUMP is leading the charge and I’m behind him 100% and nothing trolls say is going to change my mind.

    I remember every president since FDR in my lifetime, Trump was the best and will be even better the second time around. Reagan was 2nd best. Biden is the worst.

    I’ve read history and the only President we ever had who was better was Andrew Jackson. He was an even better General. God bless and keep his memory.

  40. “We need to stay out of it. Europe needs to fight its own wars and pay for them themselves.”
    After America started this war with the Orange Revolution in 2004 and the Maidan Revolution 2014, what we should be doing is 1) fully supporting Russia’s denazification of “ukraine”, 2) paying damages and war reparations to Donbass and Crimea, 3) begging Putin on bended knee to please forgive us and come liberate and denazify us.

    “We need leaders like Lukashenko, Orban, Trump, Meloni, LePen, Farage, Putin, Bolsonaro, Duterte etc in every country.”
    They are not at all alike. Lukashenko, Putin and Bolsonaro are right wing men of the people and heroes. Trump, Meloni, LePen and Farage are leftist NWO traitors. Orban is a cowardly centrist fence-sitter. And Duterte is a ego-maniacal nepo-baby.

    “We need to save America and make her great again.”
    Indeed, and Putin may be our only chance to do so. Certainly Trump=Biden will both make things worse, yet one of them will likely become the next president.

    FDR was a communist, Reagan while well-meaning was led astray by bad advice resulting in many socialist policies, Trump completely betrayed his voters again and again and continues to double-down on doing so, and Andrew Jackson was the a proto-communist and the first US president who tried to destroy the work of our Founding Fathers with his totalitarian statism.

  41. Bullshit. You are a filthy troll. You will not distract us from the path of righteousness and saving America. I said what I said, I meant it, and I stand by it to my dying day. That’s coming way too soon to waste time on trolls like nunya. After Damn near 90 years I can smell bullshit from a mile away.

    Henceforth, assume nothing I say is directed to the nunya troll. Troll, be gone. Off with you . Go back to hell and your daddy Lucifer, you foul filthy demon. I rebuke and condemn you, you evil smelling sulphurous satanic creature of the underworld.

  42. Lulz. Nothing like far right tards fighting over who’s the biggest far right tard. Sticking popcorn in microwave, lotsa butta.

  43. Apparently, since I was the first one here to point out that nunya is a troll, from now on anyone who points out that nunya is a troll is supposedly me in the topsy turvy world of false flag banderite fed troll nunya.

    This will continue no matter how many people from how many vastly different perspectives all notice that nunya is a particularly obvious troll. It isn’t a smidgen as clever as it thinks it’s being. It’s not fooling anyone, and if it’s fooling itself (highly unlikely), it’s an easy to fool fool of all easy to fool fools. Such a level of self-delusion seems incompatible with being smart enough to learn the ABCs, tie shoelaces, and survive to adulthood.

    So, the original conclusion stands: it isn’t fooling itself. It isn’t fooling itself that it’s fooling anyone else. It’s just playing games to eat up peoples time so they don’t do something else more productive, which would be literally anything.

    That’s false flag nunya in a nutshell. An intentionally time wasting waste of time time waster.

    PS @ no dog. A Roman Salute isn’t fascist. The Roman Empire was thousands of years before Mussolini. The fascist salute is derivative copycatting. I’m not a fascist, I don’t like fascists, and my real name (given name Roman) and screen name Roman Salute are not in any way shape or form references to fascism or fascist ideas.

  44. Cute but as I pointed out already, you use the exact same stunted vocabulary of insults and ugly word order regardless of which name you post under.

    First you pretended to have lived and fought in Luhansk, but you couldn’t even transliterate it correctly to English and were unaware of the local history and culture; then you pretended to have family from Transnistria but once again came up sorely lacking in your knowledge; then you pretended to be married with children – педераст – and now you claim to be rich ninety year old globalist kingmaker in the same vein as George Soros…

    But we both know the truth about you. You are anathema and will soon be brought to justice. None of your alleged riches can save you, none of your stolen valor can save you, your invented wife and children can’t save you from God’s Wrath. You will be cast into the lake of fire with your father Bandera and your master Satan – and you had better pray that you entirely invented Yulia so she does not burn with you for all eternity. You ukronazis may have the force to cause suffering to our people in this life on Earth, but you are nothing before the Might of God and the Light of His Truth and Justice. I look forward to seeing your wailing and gnashing of teeth as you writhe in pain for evermore.

    Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered: let them also that hate Him flee before Him.
    As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.
    But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.

  45. LOL. Repeating your lies doesn’t make them true. You are already in hell of your own making, troll. No one is buying your BS. Keep telling yourself it’s because we are all the same person (even though we disagree about pretty much anything and everything else). You won’t convince yourself or anyone else, but keep telling yourself that.

  46. Whatever you say, Roman want-to-be Shukhevich pretend-to-be Soros. But if you wanted anyone to actually believe that, you would have had to put in the effort to keep your personas separate instead of letting them merge into one like you have. But you are lazy and incompetent so you keep slipping up, just like you keep exposing how you have no real first-hand knowledge of Luhansk 😏 Enjoy living a lie while you still have it, because the tribunal awaits and after that eternal damnation.

  47. Try trolling less obviously, Nuna. You and Roman are equally repulsive to me in your stated views. You are obviously a troll. He might be too, or maybe not. I can’t tell. You are not making a good case for yourself. This is coming from someone who think you both belong in a secure mental facility.

  48. Nice projection you’ve got going on there, but I have no reason to troll when being 100% sincere drives the spawn of Satan out into exposing and embarrassing themselves this way. If evil has clouded your mind and distorted your perspective of God’s Light, that is a real problem, but it also is not my problem to solve. I would recommend you pray and observe.

  49. Please, no need to talk to yourself in public. And your religion is nonsense. That is if you actually believe it.

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