California Republican Ashley Swearengin Won’t Run for Governor in 2018, Making it More Likely that Only Two Democrats Will be On November 2018 Ballot

Many powerful California Democrats have signaled that they intend to run for Governor of California in 2018. On December 14, one of the few Republicans who had been considered a strong contender for Governor, Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin, said she … Continue reading

Colorado State Court Rules that Presidential Electors Who Vote for Someone Other than the Person Expected Forfeit their Election

On December 13, a Colorado state court ruled that presidential electors who vote for someone other than the expected candidates automatically ceases to be a presidential elector. See the ruling here. The case is Williams v Baca. According to this … Continue reading

Wisconsin Recount Shows that Original Vote Tally was Very Inaccurate for Declared Write-in Candidates

An unexpected revelation from the Wisconsin presidential recount is that the original count was significantly inaccurate relative to declared write-in presidential candidates. The original count for the write-in candidates was much lower than the recounted votes. Write-in candidate Evan McMullin’s … Continue reading