On September 22, Washington state officials said they will ask the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse the 9th circuit’s decision that outlawed the “top-two” primary. The 9th circuit had ruled on August 23, and had said that since Washington state … Continue reading
Richard Winger
The Vermont Progressive Party ran eleven candidates for State House of Representatives in 2004, and elected six of them. This year, the party is running seventeen candidates for State House, the most ever. One of the Progressives (Dexter Randall) won … Continue reading
The 6th circuit struck down the Ohio law on how new and minor parties get on the ballot, on September 6, 2006. If the state wanted a rehearing, the rules required it to ask for a rehearing by September 20. … Continue reading
Hawaii held its primary on Saturday, September 23. The Republican primary for U.S. Senate had six candidates. The winner, Gerald Coffee, had already withdrawn from the race, but his name had remained on the ballot. This means the Republican Party … Continue reading
A Rassmussen Reports poll, taken September 20 and released on September 22, shows these results for the Pennsylvania US Senate race: Casey (Dem.) 49%, Santorum (Rep.) 39%, Romanelli (Green) 5%, undecided 7%. Romanelli’s ballot position is still undecided. The Pennsylvania … Continue reading