Colorado Republicans Will Send Unpledged Delegates to Republican National Convention

Colorado isn’t holding a presidential primary in 2016. The Republican Party will start the process of electing delegates to the national convention in local caucuses in the spring of 2016, but the process of electing delegates will not have any matching caucus presidential voting. Of course various individuals chosen for the national convention will have their own preferences, but all delegates will be completely free to vote for anyone they wish at the July convention itself. See this Denver Post story.

BBC News Story on How Labour Party Lets Dues-Paying Members Choose Party Leader

The Labour Party is letting its dues-paying members choose the party’s leader, which means the individual who will become Prime Minister in the next election, if the Labour Party wins that election. However, the next election is likely to be years in the future. See this story, which says the party is trying to expel individuals it believes are not bona fide members. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.

Virginia and North Carolina Republican Parties Ponder Loyalty Oath for Candidates in Presidential Primary

Both the North Carolina Republican Party and the Virginia Republican Party are considering adopting state rules that require presidential primary candidates to take a loyalty oath to support the party’s eventual 2016 presidential nominee. See this story. It is likely that courts would uphold the ability of parties to keep people who refuse to sign off their primary ballots.

The Texas Democratic Party had a similar oath for presidential primary candidates in 2008, and Dennis Kucinich refused to sign it. He sued to get on the Texas Democratic presidential primary ballot, but the U.S. District Court and the 5th circuit upheld the authority of the party to keep Kucinich off the presidential primary ballot. Kucinich asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case, but it refused. Thanks to several people for the link.

UPDATE: see this Washington Post story.