Former Congressman John Hostettler Said to be Likely to Seek Constitution Party Nomination for President

Several reputable sources believe that former Congressman John Hostettler will seek the Constitution Party’s presidential nomination. He represented southwest Indiana as a Republican 1994-2006. He was born in 1961. See this wikipedia article about him. In 2008, he endorsed Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution Party’s nominee that year, for President.

Michigan News Source Misinforms Readers About Michigan’s Sore Loser Law

This Examiner story says that Michigan does not permit candidates in major party presidential primaries to later appear on the ballot as independent candidates. The story says that this will injure Donald Trump if he decides to run outside the major parties.

The story is inaccurate. Michigan’s sore loser law, sec. 168.695, makes no mention of independent candidates. It only says that when an individual has run in the primary of one party, he or she can’t be the general election nominee of another party. When Gary Johnson was kept off the ballot in 2012 as a Libertarian because his name had been on the Republican presidential primary ballot, the state insisted throughout the litigation that Johnson was free to use the independent presidential petition, which requires 30,000 signatures.

When Michigan passed its sore loser law in 1955, Michigan didn’t have procedures for independent candidates for any office. Therefore, the sore loser law naturally did not pertain to independent candidates, because the whole concept back then didn’t exist in Michigan. When Michigan finally put in statutory procedures for independent candidates in 1988, the sore loser law was not altered, so it doesn’t apply to independent candidates.

The story is also inaccurate when it says that when the Libertarians in 2012 weren’t permitted to list former Governor Gary Johnson as its nominee, the Libertarian Party of Michigan then tried to nominate another individual named Gary Johnson, and the state denied that also. The state did not deny the other Gary Johnson. The state simply didn’t respond to the party’s request.

U.S. District Court Judge Accepts Constitution Party’s Idea that Utah Political Party Lawsuit Undergo Mediation

In 2014, the Utah Republican Party filed a federal lawsuit against the new Utah election law that forces qualified parties to let independents vote in their primaries, and forces the parties to allow candidates to run in their primaries even if they don’t have substantial support at party nominating conventions. Shortly afterwards the Constitution Party was allowed to intervene. The case is Utah Republican Party v Governor Herbert, 2:14cv-876, and is still unsettled.

On July 31, the attorney for the Constitution Party suggested to the judge that the case be settled by mediation. On August 6 a hearing was held on that idea. Judge David Nutter then asked all attorneys in the case to meet the week of August 24 to attempt to settle the case. Legislative leaders and the Governor may be involved in the talks.