Second-Place Finisher in November 2014 California Legislative Election Sues Winner for Libelous Campaign Literature

On March 25, Prophet Walker, who had placed second in California’s top-two primary in June 2014 for Assemblymember, 64th district, sued the winner, Assemblyman Mike Gipson, for libel.  See this story.  The focus of the lawsuit is a campaign  flyer produced by Gibson’s campaign during the final weeks of the general election campaign.

Until that piece of literature had appeared, Walker and Gipson were in a highly competitive race.  Several leading figures in southern California’s entertainment and film business had been providing substantial help to Walker’s campaign.

The primary in this district had included four Democratic candidates, and no other candidates.

Kansas and Arizona ask U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Lawsuit on Federal Voter Registration Form

On March 24, the states of Kansas and Arizona asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear Kobach v U.S. Election Assistance Commission, 14-1164.  This is the dispute over whether those states can require the federal government to alter the postcard voter registration forms in those two states.  The form asks applicants to sign over penalty of perjury that they are U.S. citizens.  The two states want the forms altered to tell applicants that they must attach proof of citizenship.

The U.S. District Court in Kansas had ruled in favor of the two states, but the Tenth Circuit had reversed, basing its decision on the fact that the Commission had held extensive fact-finding hearings on whether the change was necessary, and had determined that the change is not necessary.

Tentative Minutes of 2015 COFOE Board Meeting Available On-Line

The Coalition for Free & Open Elections (COFOE) is a very loose coalition of most of the nation’s active nationally-organized minor parties, along with other organizations that care about their election law problems.  It was founded in 1985 in New York city.  The Board meets in person once per year.  It met on March 14, 2015, in New York city.  Here are the tentative minutes.  Thanks to Kevin Murphy, COFOE’s webmaster, for posting them.

Vermont Progressive Party Nominee for Lieutenant Governor Ordered to Pay $72,000 Because he Allegedly Broke Campaign Finance Law

In November 2014, Dean Corren was the Progressive Party nominee for Lieutenant Governor.  He was also nominated by the Democratic Party, and he received 36.1% of the general election vote.  Now the Attorney General, William Sorrell, has sued Corren, saying that an e-mail sent by the Vermont Democratic Party to its list of supporters, inviting recipients to attend a rally featuring U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, Governor Peter Shumlin, and Corren, constitutes an illegal campaign contribution to Corren.  Shumlin and Sorrell are both Democrats.

The Attorney General wants Corren to repay $52,000 that he received in public funding, plus a fine of $20,000.  Corren already spent the public funding he received on his campaign.

On March 20, Corren sued the Attorney General in federal court, arguing that the repayment order is disproportionate, and alternatively that the Democratic Party’s e-mail is not a campaign contribution.  The federal case is Corren v Sorrell, 2:15cv-58.  Thanks to the Center for Competitive Elections for this news.  The case is assigned to Judge William K. Sessions, a Clinton appointee. Here is the complaint.

Kansas Senate Passes Bill Abolishing Presidential Primary

On March 25, the Kansas Senate passed SB 239 unanimously.  It abolishes the presidential primary.  Kansas hasn’t actually had a presidential primary since 1992.  Ever since, the legislature always suspends it before any particular presidential election year.  Thanks to Josh Putnam for this news.  The bill now goes to the House, where a similar bill already passed, so it is extremely likely that it will be eventually signed into law.