SIx Congressional Candidates from 2014, All Under Age 30, Publish Op-Ed in USA Today Urging Young People to Run for Office

USA Today has this op-ed, authored by six 2014 congressional candidates, all of whom are ages 18-29. The op-ed points out that only 18% of that age group believe that electoral activism is worthwhile. The op-ed also points out that Congress has no members under age 30, and not very many under age 40. Among the six authors are two Republicans, two Democrats, one Libertarian, and one independent.

Congressional Bill to End Public Funding for Presidential Campaigns

Congressman Tom Cole (R-Oklahoma) has introduced HR 412. It abolishes public funding for presidential campaigns. So far it doesn’t have any co-sponsors. The public funding program has been in place starting in 1976. Minor party and independent presidential candidates who have received primary season matching funds and/or general election funding include John B. Anderson, Sonia Johnson, Lenora Fulani, John Hagelin, Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan, Ralph Nader, Gary Johnson, and Jill Stein. The FEC has always permitted primary season matching funds to be used to pay the expenses of ballot access petitioning. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the news about the bill.