Washington Times Covers Libertarian Party Election for National Chair

The Washington Times here covers the Libertarian Party’s election for national chair. The convention was held in Columbus, Ohio. It is somewhat unusual for large newspapers to cover such news, unless the convention happens to be in that newspaper’s home city. The Times notes that the new chair, Nicholas Sarwark, is 34 years old, and relates this to the party’s determination to court younger voters.

Here is a Libertarian Party press release about the officers. Sarwark is an attorney, a public defender, and a resident of Colorado.

Mississippi Pundit Predicts Legislature Will Pass a Bill Letting Parties Close their Primaries

Bill Crawford, a writer for the Mississippi Business Journal, predicts in this column that the legislature will pass a bill letting parties close their primaries. The Mississippi Business Journal is a weekly print publication and is on-line also, and is published in Jackson.

The Mississippi legislature customarily meets in the first three months of every calendar year. Changing the system in 2015 would be awkward, because Mississippi elects all its state officers in years before presidential election years, so 2015 is state election year in that state.

All Statewide Illinois General Election Petitions Challenged

All of the statewide Illinois petitions submitted for the general election this year have been challenged. The independent candidates for Governor and U.S. Senator will certainly be removed from the ballot, because none of them had as many signatures as the legal requirement, 25,000. The three statewide minor party petitions all have over 25,000, however, so the challenge process will be grueling.

The Libertarian statewide petition has somewhat more than 43,000 signatures; the Constitution Party petition has almost 31,000; the Green Party petition has almost 30,000.