Senator Rand Paul Initially Denies Ever Having Endorsed a Libertarian Party Nominee, but Admits Error After Being Reminded of 1988

According to this story, U.S. Senator Rand Paul was asked by a member of the audience if he would support the Libertarian Party nominee in 2016 if he doesn’t get the Republican nomination. Paul said that he expected to support the Republican nominee and said he had never endorsed a Libertarian Party nominee. But the questioner then reminded him that he had indeed endorsed Ron Paul, the Libertarian presidential nominee in 1988, and Paul at that point acknowledged this point.

Rand Paul was 25 in 1988. He attended the Seattle national convention of the Libertarian Party (held in September 1987) and worked on his father’s presidential campaign that year.

Former Michigan Legislator to Seek Libertarian Nomination for State Senate

On April 25, Lorence Wenke, who was a Michigan State Representative 2002-2008, announced that he will seek the Libertarian nomination for State Senate. See this story. Wenke was also on the Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners 1994-2002. In his past election races, he was the Republican nominee. He has left the Republican Party because it continues to oppose same-sex marriage.

The Michigan Libertarian Party nominates by convention. The nominating convention is set for May 17 in Howell.

Montana State Court Removes One of Two Candidates for Supreme Court Justice

On April 26, a Montana state trial court removed Lawrence Van Dyke from the June 3 primary ballot, for the non-partisan election for Supreme Court Justice. As a result, only one candidate for that office, the incumbent, remains on the ballot. See this story. It is expected that Van Dyke will appeal to the State Supreme Court.

The basis for the decision is that the Montana Constitution requires candidates for judge to have been a active member of the Montana bar for the preceding five years. Van Dyke has been a member of the Montana bar continuously, but during part of the recent five-year period, he was on inactive status. Thanks to Mike Fellows for the link.

Mason-Dixon Poll for Florida Gubernatorial Race Includes Libertarian

On April 25, Mason-Dixon Polls released a poll for the Florida gubernatorial race that included Adrian Wyllie, the likely Libertarian nominee. The results: Republican incumbent Rick Scott 42%, likely Democratic nominee Charlie Crist 42%, Wyllie 4%, undecided 12%. See this story.

If Wyllie does get 4%, that would be the highest share of the vote for anyone running for Governor of Florida outside the two major parties since 1916, when the Prohibition Party nominee, Sidney J. Catts, won the general election. Thanks to Austin Cassidy for the link.

California Gubernatorial Poll for All Fifteen Candidates on Ballot

Earlier this month, Clear Path Strategies conducted a poll for the June 3 California gubernatorial primary. This was not a telephone poll. Instead, all respondents were shown a list of all fifteen candidates on the ballot, which includes their party membership and their occupation. See this San Francisco Chronicle story for the results (the results for each candidate are near the bottom of the story).

Luis Rodriguez, Green Party candidate, is at 2.6%. Cindy Sheehan, Peace & Freedom Party candidate, is at 2.3%. Robert Newman, an independent who has been endorsed by the Constitution Party, is at 3.1%.

Jerry Brown is at 45.6% and Republican Assemblyman Tim Donnelly is second with 18.3%.