New Commentary on California’s Top-Two System by Political Scientist Seth Masket

Seth Masket is a political scientist who has studied polarization and partisanship in state government for many years. Here is a new column by Masket about how Califoria’s top-two primary worked in practice last year. As he notes, it has increased the power of the major party organizations to determine who is permitted to run in November.

Vallejo, California, Holds Advisory Election Asking Residents to Choose How to Spend City Income

During May, the city of Vallejo, California, held an advisory election, asking voters to choose what the city should spend part of its sales tax income. The ballot listed 33 possible uses for the money, and asked voters to choose the 12 that they favor. See this story. Only 4,000 voters participated, even though the special rules for this non-binding election permitted anyone age 16 and over to vote. Thanks to AroundtheCapitol for the link.

U.S. District Court Strikes Down Law Banning First Amendment Activity on Plaza in front of U.S. Supreme Court Building

On June 12, a U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., struck down the law that says, “It is unlawful to parade, stand, or move in procession or assemblages in the U.S. Supreme Court building or grounds, or to display in the Building and grounds a flag, banner, or device designed or adapted to bring into public notice a party, organization, or movement.” See this story. The case is Hodge v Talkin. Thanks to HowAppealing for this news.