Thank You to Matt Garsteck, Who Designed the New BAN Logo

The new Ballot Access News logo was designed by Matt Garsteck, and I wish to thank him for his good work, which was pro bono. Also thanks to Julia Kohn and Christina Tobin, who arranged for the work to be done, and to Malcolm Garris and Eric Garris for their part.

If anyone reading this is an expert in WordPress, please contact me at, because there are unresolved problems that an expert could help with.

Vermont Presidential Write-ins to be Tallied on Friday, January 11

On Friday, January 11, a team of three volunteers organized by the Green Party has an appointment with the Vermont Elections Division, to go through the returns from each town and tally up the presidential write-ins. The results will be placed on state stationery so they will be considered “official” and will be included in national vote tallies of the presidential vote.

Pennsylvania still hasn’t tallied its write-ins, but says it will do so, although Pennsylvania state totals are always flawed because some counties refuse to count any write-ins.

Peter Gemma, Author-Researcher, Seeks Input from Participants and Observers of the George Wallace 1968 Campaign

Peter Gemma is writing an article on the historic positions of third political parties on US-Middle East issues. He is seeking to interview anyone who participated in the George Wallace presidential campaign of 1968, or anyone involved in the formation of the American Independent Party/American Party 1967-1968. If you would like to help, e-mail him at

Richard Walton Dies, Was Citizens Party Vice-Presidential Nominee in 1984

On December 27, 2012, Richard Walton died at the age of 84 in his home state of Rhode Island. He was the Citizens Party vice-presidential nominee in 1984. The party’s presidential nominee that year was Sonia Johnson. See this wikipedia page about him. He was also a founder of the Green Party, and helped lead the party ever since the 1990’s. Thanks to IndependentPoliticalReport for the link.

Two Candidates for Los Angeles School Board with Substantial Support Fail to Obtain 500 Valid Signatures

Scott Folsom and Franny Parrish, two candidates for the Los Angeles School Board in the upcoming spring election, have failed to get on the ballot. The law requires 500 valid signatures. Each candidate had substantial support. Folsom is endorsed by the teachers union and Parrish is a longtime Parent-Teacher Association leader.

See this Los Angeles Times story, which says that each candidate hired professionals to get the needed 500 signatures. The professionals did produce signatures, but there weren’t enough valid ones. The story is somewhat confusing if not read carefully. The people hired to collect the signatures are also candidates for various offices, and they may not even live in the districts they are seeking to represent. If one reads the story hurredly, one might get the impression that Folsom and Parrish have residency problems, but they don’t. Thanks to AroundtheCapitol for the link.