California Congressmen Brad Sherman and Howard Berman Spent $11,700,000 in their Election Race Against Each Other

The Hill writes here that California Democratic Congressmen Brad Sherman and Howard Berman spent $11,700,000 in their campaigns against each other to represent the California 30th district. This is the most expensive California U.S. House race ever, when independent expenditures are excluded.

They were both incumbents, forced to run against each other by redistricting. The top-two system did not cause them to run against each other; redistricting did that. But without the top-two system, their race against each other would have been over in the June primary. The top-two system forced them to run against each other in June and in November as well, and thus the top-two system contributed to the record amount spent.

New York Working Familes Party Polls 241,531 Votes for U.S. Senate

The New York Working Families Party polled 241,531 votes for U.S. Senate last month. This is the first time the party has ever exceeded the 200,000 vote barrier for a statewide office; the previous best showing for a statewide office for that party had been in 2010, when it polled 183,707 for U.S. Senate. The November 2012 U.S. Senate election is also the first time the Working Families Party has outpolled the Conservative Party in a statewide race.

The 2012 U.S. Senate nominee for the Working Families Party was also the Democratic nominee, Kirsten Gillibrand. The Conservative Party vote for U.S. Senate last month was 235,747; its nominee was the Republican nominee, Wendy Long.

The New York State Board of Elections posted the official vote tallies on December 11. Use this link to see the returns.

Seventh Circuit Gun Decision May Help Win a Pending Illinois Ballot Access Case

On December 11, the 7th circuit struck down Illinois’ law forbidding the carrying of concealed weapons. Moore v Madigan, 12-1269. The decision was 2-1, and was written by Judge Richard Posner. One of the reasons the majority struck down the law was that no other state has such a prohibition. Judge Posner wrote, “There is no suggestion that some unique characteristic of criminal activity in Illinois justifies the state’s taking a different approach from the other 49 states. If the Illinois approach were demonstrably superior, one would expect at least one or two states to have emulated it.”

Currently, the Libertarian Party is challenging Illinois unique law that requires newly-qualifying parties to run a full slate of candidates. The U.S. District Court in this election case has already enjoined the law, reasoning that Illinois doesn’t really need such a restriction, because no other state has ever had a similar restriction. Assuming the case also wins declaratory relief in the U.S. District Court (which is extremely likely), the 7th circuit’s reasoning in the gun case will also help the Libertarian Party to win in the 7th circuit, if the state appeals.

Illinois Write-in Presidential Totals for Declared Write-in Candidates Released

Illinois finished its official vote tally on December 3. The number of write-ins for declared write-in presidential candidates had not previously been available. For the candidates who were on the ballot in at least one state, these are the Illinois write-in totals: Virgil Goode 415, Rocky Anderson 185, Jill Reed 131, Tom Hoefling 25, Jerry White 12.