Pennsylvania Libertarian Petition Now Has Enough Valid Signatures, No Matter How State Supreme Court Rules

By the end of Saturday, October 6, the Pennsylvania petition process showed that the statewide Libertarian petition has enough valid signatures, even should the State Supreme Court reverse the favorable ruling of the Commonwealth Court of several weeks ago, concerning voters who moved, signed, and had never updated their registration records. And there are still 1,000 signatures to be reviewed. The challengers are now attempting to dispute approximately 100 signatures that they had already conceded to be valid. Thanks to Richard Schwarz for this news.

Gary Johnson Campaign Files Complaint with Philadelphia District Attorney over Unethical Behavior by Republican Challengers

On October 5, Alicia Dearn, an attorney for the Gary Johnson campaign, filed a complaint with the Philadelphia District Attorney, alleging that private detectives working for the Republicans who challenged the statewide Libertarian Party Pennsylvania petition tried to bribe at least one Libertarian petitioner to say that he or she had forged signatures. Dearn also told the District Attorney that at least one of these private detectives attempted to pass himself or herself off as an FBI agent.

In the meantime, the petition-checking process still isn’t finished, but it is very likely that the petition will have enough valid signatures even if the Pennsylvania Supreme Court should reverse the favorable decision of the Commonwealth Court on whether signatures are valid if the signer moved inside the same county and hadn’t yet re-registered.