Springfield, Illinois Civic Leader Slams Illinois Ballot Access Laws

The September 28 State Journal-Register of Springfield, Illinois, has this op-ed, criticizing Illinois ballot access laws. The op-ed is by Robert Gray, who was named the city’s citizen of the year a while ago, and who is President of the Citizens Club of Springfield. His op-ed describes the dirty tricks used against him when he tried to run as an independent.

Illinois requires a higher percentage of signatures for state legislative offices than any states other than Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Kansas. For U.S. House, Illinois is third highest, behind only Georgia and North Carolina.

Georgia Democratic Party to Ask Secretary of State to Remove Legislator from November Ballot

On September 27, Georgia representative Rick Crawford (D-Cedartown) announced that he has switched to being a Republican. A few hours later, the Georgia Democratic Party state committee, which happened to be meeting anyway, voted to ask the Secretary of State to remove his name from the ballot. Courts in Alabama and Tennessee have permitted political parties to override the primaries, but apparently this idea has not yet been tested in Georgia.

The ballot already contains a Republican nominee, Trey Kelley. See this story. Thanks to Kyle Bennett for the link.

Three IndependentVoting Leaders Win New Terms as Party Officers of the Independence Party of New York

Cathy Stewart, Nancy Hanks, and Sarah Lyons are pictured here, celebrating their recent election or re-election to posts in the Independence Party of New York. Each is the county chair of her respective county. They are also active in IndependentVoting, which teaches that political parties are bad for society. Thanks to Michael Drucker for the link.

The leaders of IndependentVoting acknowledge the irony that they are active in reducing the role of political parties in elections, while at the same time being active in a political party themselves. They say their activism in the Independence Party is “self-defense” in a partisan system.

Although IndependentVoting teaches that partisan election systems produce bad government, they have also been generally supportive of New York city Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the nation’s highest-ranked elected official who is a registered independent. Bloomberg has won the last three Mayoral elections. This creates another irony, because although IndependentVoting teaches that partisan elections are undesirable, they acknowledge that recent New York City Mayoral elections have produced good Mayors.

Although U.S. Senators Joseph Lieberman and Bernie Sanders were elected as independent candidates, neither is a registered independent. Lieberman is a registered Democrat and Sanders lives in a state that doesn’t have registration by party. Assuming Angus King is elected to the U.S. Senate later this year, he will supercede Mayor Bloomberg as the nation’s highest-ranked elected official who is registered “independent.”