Alaska Will Have No More than Six Presidential Candidates on the November Ballot

The petition deadline has passed in Alaska. The only petitions received involving the presidential race this season are the Green Party and Americans Elect Party petitions. The Americans Elect petition was submitted months ago.

The four ballot-qualified parties on in Alaska are: Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, and Alaskan Independence Party. No one knows which presidential candidate the Alaskan Independence Party will nominate. In 2008, that party nominated Chuck Baldwin, who was also the Constitution Party presidential nominee.

Two Independent Presidential Candidates File Petitions in Ohio

The deadline for independent presidential petitions in Ohio has now passed. Two independent presidential candidates submitted petitions: Richard Duncan, and Michael Vargo. The vice-presidential candidate for Duncan is Ricky Johnson; the v-p for Vargo is Jeff Angeletti. Duncan lives in Aurora, Ohio; and Vargo lives in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Duncan also ran as an independent presidential candidate in Ohio in 2008, and got 3,905 votes in Ohio. He was not on the ballot in any other state in 2008.

Ohio has seven ballot-qualified parties, and they didn’t need any petition to appear on the November ballot for President. Those parties are Democratic, Republican, Americans Elect, Constitution, Green, Libertarian, and Socialist.

North Carolina Libertarian Party Receives $96,664 from State Income Tax Check-Off

North Carolina is one of the thirteen states in which the state income tax form lets taxpayers choose to help any particular ballot-qualified party. This year, the state recently sent these amounts to each of the three ballot-qualified parties: Democratic $1,456,436; Republican $898,532; Libertarian $96,664.

Amounts are larger in presidential election years than in other years, because the state policy is to hold back some of the money in non-presidential years, and release it in presidential election years.

The Libertarian Party will probably spend a major share of its money for its gubernatorial campaign, because the party must poll at least 2% of the vote for either President or Governor in order to remain on the ballot in 2014 and 2016. North Carolina elects its Governors in presidential election years. Parties face no vote test in mid-term years.

Libertarian Party is Only Group to Submit Presidential Petition in District of Columbia

The deadline has now passed for independent presidential candidates, and the presidential nominees of unqualified parties, to submit petitions in the District of Columbia. The Libertarian Party submitted the only presidential petition.

The three ballot-qualified parties in D.C., which did not need to submit a petition, are the Democratic, Republican, and Green Parties.

Constitution Party Petition in Washington State is Valid

Virgil Goode, the Constitution Party presidential candidate, will appear on the Washington state ballot. The Secretary of State’s office had already validated all the other presidential petitions this year, but did not finish validating the Constitution Party petition until August 9. Thanks to Gary Odom for this news.

The petitions that had already been validated in that state are Libertarian, Green, Justice, Socialist Workers, and Party for Socialism and Liberation.