California Bill to Make it More Difficult for Constitutional Amendment Initiatives to Qualify for Ballot

On June 19, the California Assembly Elections Committee will hear ACA 10, by Assemblymember Mike Gatto (D-Los Angeles). Currently, an initiative to change the California Constitution needs a petition signed by 8% of the last gubernatorial vote. The proposal would provide that the initiative would also need the signatures of 8% of the last gubernatorial vote in each of at least 27 State Senate districts.

If the legislature passes this proposal, then it would be subject to a popular vote, because it amends the Constitution.

Arizona Turnout in Special Congressional Election was High

Arizona held a special election on June 12, to fill the vacancy in the U.S. House seat, 8th district. Even though all the provisional ballots still haven’t been counted, turnout is already 47.1% of the number of registered voters, and that will increase as more ballots are counted.

Voters in the 8th district heard a stimulating campaign, in which three parties participated. The Democratic, Republican, and Green Parties appeared on that ballot. The Democratic candidate won with an absolute majority.

The Arizona 47.1% turnout is especially good, when compared to California’s June 5 statewide primary for President and all other partisan office. That system, using the top-two open primary law passed by the voters in 2010, yielded a turnout of approximately 31%. The votes haven’t all been counted yet so the exact turnout figure is not known. Preliminary reports show that California independent voters turned out at a significantly lower rate than the turnout for party members. This is true, even though the California Independent Voters Network spent over $1,000,000 on a mailing to 500,000 registered independent voters, urging them to vote in the June 5 primary.