Little-Known Democratic Presidential Candidate May Have Polled Enough Votes in Louisiana for a Delegate

John Wolfe, Jr., of Chattanooga, Tennessee polled 11.83% of the vote in the March 24 Democratic presidential primary in Louisiana, according to the Secretary of State’s unofficial election returns. Four candidates were on the ballot in that primary. President Obama received 76.45%; Bob Ely received 6.57%; Darcy Richardson received 5.15%.

According to this story, Wolfe’s showing entitles him to at least one delegate. The story says he is the only person who has polled enough votes in any Democratic presidential primary this year to obtain a delegate. However, in Oklahoma, Randall Terry also received enough votes for a delegate. However, apparently Terry didn’t run any candidates for Delegate in Oklahoma.

Wolfe’s stance on issues is considered to be to the left of President Obama. Here is a web page about him.

Only Four Major Party Members Submit Petitions for U.S. Senate Race in Virginia

The Virginia deadline for getting candidates on the June 2012 congressional primary has now passed. The U.S. Senate seat up this year is an open seat, because incumbent U.S. Senator James Webb is not running for re-election. Only one Democrat, and only three Republicans, submitted signatures. Each needed 10,000 signatures, and each submitted at least double that amount. See this story. UPDATE: this post has been re-written on March 31 to show that three Republicans, not two, qualified. The third is E. W. Jackson.

Statewide candidate petitions in Virginia require at least 400 signatures from each U.S. House district in the state. The news story does not say if the candidates complied with the distribution requirement based on the old U.S. House boundaries, or the new ones. The new ones were only settled earlier this month, when the Voting Rights Section of the U.S. Justice Department approved the boundaries of the new districts.

The Virginia legislature passed a bill last month, saying for 2012, petitions are valid whether they are based on the old districts or the new districts. However, Governor Robert McDonnell still hasn’t signed that bill, HB 1151. He must act by April 10. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for the link.

Texas Democrats Hope to Stop LaRouche Supporter from Winning U.S. House Nomination

According to this story, Texas Democrats are exerting themselves to help defeat Kesha Rogers in the Democratic primary for U.S. House, 22nd district. The district is strongly Republican. Two candidates filed in the Democratic primary. One of them, Rogers, supports the Lyndon LaRouche movement and advocates that President Obama be impeached.

Vote-Counting Error in Florida Not Discovered Until After Wrong Winners are Certified

On March 13, Wellington, Florida held an election for its village council (Wellington calls itself a “village” but it has a population of 57,000). After the results were certified, it was discovered that the Dominion vote-counting machines had malfunctioned. The clerk of the village would like to re-certify the election with the correct winners, but it is not clear that such a move is legal. The matter is pending in state court. See this story.