Texas Republican Party Chair Warns that Primary May be Delayed Until June 26

For the last few weeks, virtually everyone who has been following the Texas redistricting trial has assumed that the Texas primary this year will be May 29. However, on February 24, the Texas Republican Party state chair issued a letter, warning that there is a possibility the primary won’t be held until June 26. Here is the letter. Thanks to TexasRedistricting blog for the link.

A June 26 primary would require a major revision to the state’s procedure for independent presidential candidates, because the independent presidential petition can’t begin to circulate until after the primary.

California Republican Party Referendum Against State Senate District Boundaries Qualifies for November 2012 Ballot

On February 24, the California Secretary of State announced that the Republican Party’s referendum has qualified for the November 2012 ballot. The referendum asks voters if they wish to reject the State Senate district boundaries drawn up last year by the new Redistricting Commission.

Unfortunately for the proponents of this referendum, the California Supreme Court ruled last month that because no one could know if the measure would qualify, the Commission’s districts will be in force in this year’s election, even though normally when a referendum petition is filed against a new law, the new law can’t take effect until after the voters express their opinion of it.

Idaho Legislature Passes Bill Abolishing Presidential Primary

On February 23, the Idaho Senate passed HB 391, which abolishes the presidential primary, starting immediately. Assuming the bill is signed, the 2012 presidential primary set for May 15 will not be held. The two major parties had been using caucuses in Idaho anyway.

The Idaho Senate vote was a tie, so the Lieutenant Governor, who was presiding over the Senate, broke the tie and voted for the bill. See this story.

California Senate Elections Committee Amends Bill on Party Officer Elections to Respect Wishes of Minor Parties

On February 21, the California Senate Elections Committee passed AB 1200, a bill to revise the California law on how parties elect county central committees. California has five ballot-qualified parties other than the Democratic and Republican Parties. The Libertarian Party, and Americans Elect, have chosen not to have party officers elected in public primary elections. However, the American Independent, Green, and Peace & Freedom Parties do prefer to have party officials chosen at their own primary elections.

The Elections Committee passed the bill, but first amended it to reflect the desires of the three minor parties that had concerns. The American Independent Party state chair, Mark Seidenberg, testified in favor of one amendment, and his wishes were respected. Peace & Freedom Party leaders also attended the hearing and the Committee amended the bill in accordance with their testimony. The Green Party did not send a representative, but had communicated with the committee.

The amendment concerning the American Independent Party acknowledges that elected members of the party’s county central committees may choose whether to be sworn in either by government officials, or by county chairs of the party. If the bill had not been amended, the committee members would have been sworn in only by county chairs of the party (or the designee of a county chair).

The amendment desired by the Peace & Freedom Party, and the Green Party, preserves the ability of people to be write-in candidates for County Central Committee. The original bill would have eliminated the write-in option except in cases when more people had filed to be on the ballot for a particular county central committee race than there are vacancies. The reason write-ins are important in County Central Committee races is that existing law won’t permit certain people to appear on the primary ballot if they had been members of another party during the preceding period, but such people can be write-in candidates.