All Nationally-Organized Parties Have Fewer Registrations Now than in October 2010

Because most states purge their voter registration rolls between elections, the United States has fewer registered voters now than in October 2010. There are fewer Democrats now, fewer Republicans now, fewer independent voters now, and fewer voters in each nationally-organized minor party now. The nationally-organized parties that existed in 2010 and that have as many as 500 registrants in the nation are the Libertarian, Green, Constitution, Working Families, Reform, Socialist, and Socialist Workers Parties, in that order.

Americans Elect did not exist in 2010, and now has 3,285 registrants, so it is the only nationally-organized party that now has more registrants than in 2010.

UPDATE: an earlier version of this post said that Massachusetts had converted the state’s registered Libertarians to independents. The earlier version was mistaken about that. Massachusetts had 10,839 Libertarians registrants as of December 31, 2011. When that figure is added into the national Libertarian total, the Libertarians don’t have as many registrants nationally as they had had in October 2010, but they only declined by 390 nationwide.

U.S. District Court Says Boerne, Texas May Stop Using Cumulative Voting and Return to District Elections for City Council

See this story, which says that on February 3, a U.S. District Court Judge ruled that the city of Boerne, Texas, may revert to district elections for city council. For a while, some time ago, Boerne was under court order to use cumulative voting, in which council candidates run at-large and voters have three votes and may distribute them any way they wish, including casting all three votes for a single candidate. The voter who filed the lawsuit says he will appeal again.

Indiana Jury Convicts Secretary of State of Registering and Voting in Precinct in Which he Didn’t Live

At 2:28 a.m. on February 4, an Indiana criminal jury convicted Secretary of State Charlie White of registering and voting at an address which wasn’t his real residence. See this story. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link. The judge will decide whether White is now convicted of felonies or misdemeanors.

New Mexico Says Americans Elect Petition Has Enough Valid Signatures

The New Mexico Secretary of State’s office says the Americans Elect petition is valid. The state requires 3,009 signatures. Americans Elect is the first group to submit a successful petition for party recognition in New Mexico since 2010.

Parties that were already ballot-qualified in New Mexico for 2012, besides the Democrats and Republicans, are the Libertarian Party (which petitioned in 2010) and the Independent Party (which met the vote test in 2008). In New Mexico, when a party either petitions or meets the vote test, then it is ballot-qualified for the next two elections.

Rick Santorum Petition Ruled Invalid in Indiana

Rick Santorum’s petition for ballot access in the Indiana presidential primary has been ruled insufficient. He had the needed 4,500 signatures statewide, but Indiana also requires 500 in each U.S. House district, and in one district he was 24 signatures short. He says he will fight the decision and that many signatures were invalidated improperly. See this story.