Wisconsin Newspaper Feature Story About One Particular Voter Shows Problems with Photo-ID Laws

The Wausau Daily Herald has this compelling feature story about Ruthelle Frank, an 84-year old in Brokaw, Wisconsin, who is a local public official and someone who will not be able to vote due to the state’s new law requiring voters to show a government photo-ID, unless she spends hundreds of dollars. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.

Newt Gingrich Says He Will Not Debate Any General Election Presidential Candidate Except President Obama

On December 3, Newt Gingrich spoke to a town hall meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn in Staten Island, New York city. He took questions from the audience. Frank Morano asked him if he would consider a general election presidential debate that included all the candidates on the ballot in enough states to theoretically win the election. Gingrich replied that he would not do that, and that all minor party activity in 2012 would be helping Obama to win.