Nevada Supreme Court Suggests Special Congressional Election Ought to be Delayed

On May 31, the Nevada Supreme Court asked for supplemental briefing on whether the special U.S. House election set for September 2011 ought to be delayed. The Court must decide whether the lower state court was correct, when it interpreted the election law in special congressional elections to mean that parties have nominees. The Supreme Court of Nevada seems to feel this is too complicated to be decided quickly. Thanks to Rick Hasen for this news.

Final Brief Filed in U.S. District Court in Case Challenging Two Details of California Top-Two Law

On May 30, the plaintiffs in Chamness v Bowen filed this rebuttal brief. Chamness v Bowen is the federal lawsuit that challenges two particular details of California’s top-two primary election system: (1) although California prints write-in space on November ballots for Congress and state office, those write-ins can never be counted, even if a write-in candidate receives the most votes; (2) California lets some party members list their party on the ballot but won’t let others do so.

All briefs are now in, and the hearing will be on June 13 in Los Angeles.