Michael Moore Interviewed by Amy Goodman on "Democracy Now" About 2010 and 2012 Elections

Amy Goodman and associates interviewed film-maker Michael Moore on the evening of November 3, about the 2010 and 2012 elections, and other related topics.  Listen at this link.  The segment is 20 minutes long.  Thanks to Nancy Hankster for the link.  Moore thinks there is a fair chance that there will be four strong presidential candidates in the 2012 election.  Also, he talks about the almost complete lack of public discussion about U.S. involvement in foreign wars, during the recent political campaign.  That is in the last eight minutes of the segment.

Michael Moore Interviewed by Amy Goodman on “Democracy Now” About 2010 and 2012 Elections

Amy Goodman and associates interviewed film-maker Michael Moore on the evening of November 3, about the 2010 and 2012 elections, and other related topics.  Listen at this link.  The segment is 20 minutes long.  Thanks to Nancy Hankster for the link.  Moore thinks there is a fair chance that there will be four strong presidential candidates in the 2012 election.  Also, he talks about the almost complete lack of public discussion about U.S. involvement in foreign wars, during the recent political campaign.  That is in the last eight minutes of the segment.

Socialist Party Member Elected to Non-Partisan Office in Florida

On November 2, David Maynard was elected to one of the seats on the Hillsborough County Soil and Water Conservation Board.  He received 84,578 votes and won his 3-way race with 40.0% of the vote.  He is a dues-paying member of the Socialist Party USA, although during the campaign he was, and is, a registered Democrat.  Thanks to Greg Pason for this news.

Libertarian Party Nominees for U.S. House Again Receive Over 1,000,000 Votes

Greg Kaza has made an early compilation of the minor party vote for U.S. House in this week’s election.  He finds that the Libertarian Party nominees for U.S. House have polled, together, more than 1,000,000 votes.  Other years in which the party has broken the 1,000,000 mark have been 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2008.  The only other non-major party that has ever done that was the Progressive Party of 1912-1916.

Of course, as the nation’s population grows, the significance of that benchmark becomes less meaningful.  A more meaningful measure is percentage of the vote for U.S. House going to any particular party.  In 2010, the Libertarian share of the vote for U.S. House is in excess of 1% of the total vote for that office, a benchmark that no other minor party since World War II has achieved, except for the Progressive Party formed by Henry Wallace in 1948, which polled 1.9% of the U.S. House vote in 1948.