Maine Holds Another Inclusive Gubernatorial Debate

On October 15, four of the five candidates for Governor of Maine debated each other again.  See this story.  The four are Democrat Elizabeth Mitchell, independent Eliot Cutler, independent Shawn Moody, and independent Kevin Scott.  The Republican nominee, Paul LePage, did not appear.  However, he had appeared in a earlier 5-candidate debate.  Thanks to Thomas MacMillan for the link.

President Obama Signs S3196, to Provide Transition Aid to Presidential Candidates who have a Realistic Chance of Winning

On October 15, President Obama signed S.3196, the bill that authorizes the federal government to provide transition briefing and resources to any presidential candidate who is considered to be a possible winner.  Thanks to Political Activity Law blog for this news.  S.3196 mentions the Commission on Presidential Debates and seems to assume that the Commission will forever into the future limit access to the presidential general election debates to candidates who have a likelihood of winning the election.  Federal officials are to be guided, in deciding which presidential candidates to include in the transition assistance, by whether the Commission has invited the candidate into its debates.

Massachusetts Holds Another 4-Candidate Gubernatorial Debate

On October 15, the four candidates for Massachusetts Governor debated each other.  See this story.  The candidates are Democratic incumbent Deval Patrick, Republican Charlie Baker, independent candidate Tim Cahill, and Green Party nominee Jill Stein.  The story focuses on the question asked by a member of the audience, which was which living politician would each of the four candidates most like to be.

Vermont Holds 4-Candidate Debates

On October 14, four candidates for Lieutenant Governor of Vermont debated each other.  See this story.  The candidates were Democrat Steve Howard, Republican Phil Scott, Progressive Party nominee Marjorie Power, and independent Peter Garritano.

Also on October 14, four candidates for U.S. Senate debated each other.  See this story.  The candidates were Democratic incumbent Patrick Leahy, Republican Len Britton, Socialist Party nominee Peter Diamondstone, and Cris Ericson, whose ballot label is “United States Marijuana.”

UPDATE:  Also, on October 7, six of the seven candidates for Governor debated each other.  Like the others, the debate was broadcast on Vermont Public TV.  Candidates who debated were Republican Brian Dubie, Democrat Peter Shumlin, Liberty Union nominee Ben Mitchell, and independent candidates Cris Ericson (whose ballot label is “United States Marijuana”, and who is on the ballot for two different offices this year), Dennis Steele, and Emily Peyton.  A seventh candidate, independent Dan Feliciano, did not appear.  Thanks to C. T. Weber for the news about the gubernatorial debate.