Pennsylvania Breakthrough on Ballot Access Reform?

According to John A. Murphy, a Nader supporter and a vigorous and passionate fighter for ballot access reform in Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party’s State Committee has decided to support SB 252, the ballot access reform bill.  Murphy’s source is a close friend who is on that Committee.  The Committee will meet on September 24-25 and is expected to endorse the bill.  Ballot access activists are welcome to attend the meeting.

SB 252 is based on Delaware’s law.  It says that a group that has registration membership of at least one-twentieth of 1% is considered a qualified minor party, and is entitled to nominate by convention.  If the bill were law currently, the Libertarian, Green and Constitution Parties would be ballot-qualified.  The bill also substantially lowers the number of signatures needed for independent candidates.

Brian Moore, Socialist Party Presidential Candidate in 2008, Polls 200,000 Votes in 2010 Florida Democratic Gubernatorial Primary

Florida held its primaries on August 24.  Brian Moore, who was the Socialist Party’s presidential candidate in 2008, was on the Democratic ballot as a candidate for Governor.  In a two-person race, he received 23.1% of the vote.  Not all votes have been counted yet, but already he is credited with 200,000 votes.  See this story.

New Hampshire Statewide Libertarian Party Has Enough Valid Signatures

On August 27, the statewide New Hampshire Libertarian Party was verified as having enough valid signatures.  The party is running Ken Blevins for U.S. Senate, and John Barbiarz for Governor.  If either one of them polls 4% this November, the party will regain its status as a qualified party, which it enjoyed from November 1990 to November 1996.  Back then, the vote test was 3%, but in 1997 the legislature changed it to 4%.