Sharron Angle, Republican Nominee for U.S. Senate in Nevada, Was Leader in Independent American Party

Thanks to Independent Political Report for this story. The Wall Street Journal says here that Sharron Angle, this year’s Republican Party nominee for U.S. Senate, was a member of the Independent American Party between 1992 and 1997. She was one of the party’s sponsors when it re-qualified for the ballot in 1992. The Independent American Party is the Nevada affiliate of the Constitution Party. The Wall Street Journal does not mention the Constitution Party, but the newspaper’s story would have been of better quality if it had done so.

Sharron Angle is also lead plaintiff in a federal lawsuit, Angle v Miller, which challenges Nevada election laws that say that initiative petition circulators must certify that they know that each signer is a registered voter. The lawsuit makes the obvious point that a circulator can’t know that, unless conceivably a petitioner might possess a hand-held computer that links to the list of registered voters.

Another Big South Carolina Newspaper Covers Tom Clements, Green Party Candidate for U.S. Senate in South Carolina

This June 12 story in Charleston, South Carolina’s daily newspaper is mostly about the Democratic Party election returns being certified, but the second half of the story covers Tom Clements, the only non-major party on the South Carolina ballot in November 2010 for U.S. Senate.

Most states in the United States in recent years have seen televised debates for Governor or U.S. Senator at which at least one minor party or independent candidate was included with both major party nominees. South Carolina, however, does not have that tradition, but perhaps Clements will break through. Thanks to Dave Gillespie for the link.

Dan Hamburg, Green Party Candidate, Places First in Mendocino County Supervisoral Race, But Faces Run-Off

Dan Hamburg placed first in a four-person race for Mendocino County Supervisor, 5th district, on June 8. But because he didn’t get as much as 50%, he faces a run-off in November. See this story.

Hamburg is a member of the Green Party and was its gubernatorial candidate in 1998. He is also a former Democratic member of Congress. Mendocino County is on the northern California coast, and formerly had a District Attorney who was a registered Libertarian.

New York City Councilmember Says He Will Run for Governor on Ticket of a New Party

New York city councilmember Charles Barron says he will run for Governor as the nominee of a new political party this year. See this story. Barron, who is black, says he is unhappy that his party, the Democratic Party, is about to nominate a full slate of five statewide nominees who are not people of color.

Barron hasn’t come up with a name for the new party. The new party’s statewide slate will need 15,000 signatures, not 50,000. Barron represents the 42nd district, in Brooklyn.