Siena College Poll Shows Hoffman Leading in New York U.S. House Race

On November 2, a last-minute poll, conducted by Siena College, was released for the U.S. House seat in New York. It shows Doug Hoffman (Conservative) at 41%, Bill Owens (Democrat-Working Families) at 36%, Dede Scozzafava (Republican-Independence) at 5%, and undecided 18%. The poll doesn’t have much predictive power because so many voters say they are still undecided.

Jim Duensing Explains Shooting Incident

Jim Duensing, who was shot by a Las Vegas policeman on October 30, and who is seeking the Libertarian Party nomination for U.S. Senate in 2010, has issued a detailed, clear explanation of the incident. He was running from the police because they had tasered him and seemed about to do it a second time. Duensing has heart problems. See Independent Political Report here and read comment #73, which is Duensing’s statement.

Prohibition Party Will Give Away Copies of "Partisan Prophets" to Those Who Will Make Good Use of The Book

Jim Hedges, a leader of the Prohibition Party, has custody of 65 copies of the book, “Partisan Prophets: A History of the Prohibition Party 1854-1970”, written by Roger Storms. The Prohibition Party Executive Committee has given him authority to give them away to anyone who can establish that the person will use the book himself or herself (for scholarly purposes); also, the party will also give copies free to public libraries. Hedges asks that interested persons contact him by postal letter, at Box 212, Needmore Pa 17238.

Roger Storms was a leader of the Prohibition Party in Maine during the 1970’s. Under his leadership, the party overcame the Maine petition requirement of 10,920 valid signatures in 1976, and was able to place its presidential candidate, Ben Bubar, on the Maine ballot. Bubar received .72% of the presidential vote in Maine, and some party members were elected to non-partisan office in Maine. Storms was killed in an auto accident in the late 1970’s, and the party never again appeared on the ballot in Maine.

Prohibition Party Will Give Away Copies of “Partisan Prophets” to Those Who Will Make Good Use of The Book

Jim Hedges, a leader of the Prohibition Party, has custody of 65 copies of the book, “Partisan Prophets: A History of the Prohibition Party 1854-1970”, written by Roger Storms. The Prohibition Party Executive Committee has given him authority to give them away to anyone who can establish that the person will use the book himself or herself (for scholarly purposes); also, the party will also give copies free to public libraries. Hedges asks that interested persons contact him by postal letter, at Box 212, Needmore Pa 17238.

Roger Storms was a leader of the Prohibition Party in Maine during the 1970’s. Under his leadership, the party overcame the Maine petition requirement of 10,920 valid signatures in 1976, and was able to place its presidential candidate, Ben Bubar, on the Maine ballot. Bubar received .72% of the presidential vote in Maine, and some party members were elected to non-partisan office in Maine. Storms was killed in an auto accident in the late 1970’s, and the party never again appeared on the ballot in Maine.