Rocky De La Fuente is on Primary Ballots for U.S. Senate in Multiple States

Rocky De La Fuente, who was the Reform Party presidential nominee in 2016, is on the ballot in Republican primaries for U.S. Senate in five states so far, with the possibility of being on in a sixth.

He may also be on the Delaware general election ballot as the nominee of the party he created, the American Delta Party.

This story about the decline of the California Republican Party mentions these facts about De La Fuente. Scroll down. De La Fuente is relevant to the story because California is one of the states in which he is on a primary ballot for U.S. Senate.


Rocky De La Fuente is on Primary Ballots for U.S. Senate in Multiple States — 5 Comments

  1. 1-3-3

    No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.
    Is Rocky planning on being an inhabitant of many States on election day ??? —
    or just more ego stunt moron stuff ???

  2. Obviously he can only be a “resident” of one state at a time. Even if he owned a house in all the different states, it would be difficult to establish residence at more than one. By blanketing his candidacy over serveral states, he apparently would make his official residence in whatever state (if any) he makes a run-off or won.

  3. I think his candidacy show be challenged and be tried for voter fraud for filing false statements about his residency. He is gaming the system. He should be locked up.

  4. Would be something if a third party candidate would try and do this. Imagine Gary Johnson or Jill Stein doing this to get Libertarians or Greens into Congress. 😉

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