Florida Democratic Fund-Raisers Threaten Democratic National Committee Over Primary Decision

Two Florida Democrats who have raised a large amount of money for the Democratic Party in the past are threatening to withhold all future financial assistance to the Democratic National Committee, if that Committee eliminates all Florida delegates to the 2008 national convention.

Wayne Hogan and his wife have donated more than $730,000 to units of the Democratic Party and its nominees during the past ten years. Also he was the Democratic nominee for U.S. House in the 7th district in 2002, and he spent over $2,000,000 of his own money on his campaign. On August 28, he cancelled a fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee that he had planned to host. He said he will also refuse to help the Committee in the future, unless it reverses its decision to deny Florida any delegates to the 2008 national convention.

Dick Batchelor, another Florida fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee, said, “If Wayne Hogan turns off the spigot, other people will follow suit. Why should I support the national party when they’re basically vaporizing the influence our delegates would have in the nominating process?”

Florida Democrats could have their delegates restored if they agreed not to use the January 29 presidential primary to elect delegates. But Florida Democrats say setting up a caucus procedure in February would be far too expensive and complicated, especially with so little time to plan caucuses. The Florida Democartic Party has used a presidential primary to choose convention delegates since 1928.


Florida Democratic Fund-Raisers Threaten Democratic National Committee Over Primary Decision — No Comments

  1. FWIW, I got my Robert Novak weekly political report email this morning, and he says that Florida will probably get it’s delegates back. I think that’s likely, especially since Florida is a swing-state.

  2. That goes ditto for me. As a Florida native a am sick of the promlems associated with the voting down here.
    First we get Bush elected because of stupid snafus in butterfly ballads and as far as I am concerned downright graft in several states.Then we let the Republicans get away with the Ohio robbery from the last election where thousands of college people could not vote
    I was prevented from voting down here as was my entire family one year after flying back home to florida from a family funeral in Buffalo NY just to vote.We were in line in time but the little old ladies at the booths shut the booths down at seven oclock even though we were in line…We were told this was illegal which we tried to tell these people but then it was two late,,hundreds were in line behind me.What a disgrace in this nation…It is a working glass nation where alot of people can not get to the polls by these rediculous hours anyways but then to shut them down early when Bush was running was disgraceful.Now my own party is not going to count my vote in the primary..Well thats the last straw for money to the DNC…

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