Lyndon LaRouche Movement Doesn't Like Any Presidential Candidates

The Lyndon LaRouche movement publishes Executive Intelligence Review. This article, from September 12, expresses the point of view that no one running for president is worth supporting.


Lyndon LaRouche Movement Doesn't Like Any Presidential Candidates — 20 Comments

  1. Who cares what Lyndon LaRouche thinks about anything?

    The “Indy Greens” down in Virginia really missed the boat by not petitioning for poor old Lyndon instead of Michael Bloomberg. How could they have possible resisted someone who is responsible for statesmanlike, coherent, intelligible, and convincing oratory such as the following (taken from the above link):

    “The stated policies of the Presidential candidates are fairly described as ‘duck-billed platitudes,’ cries worthy of strange creatures of the type to be expected from putative Beaverbrook heir Rupert Murdoch, from ‘way down under,’ wrote LaRouche.”

  2. How could LaRouche say that. Hasn’t Ted Weill given him generous support financially. LaRouche should at least support Mr. Weill. I suppose it is much easier to simply take his funds.

  3. Any sentient American who has actually read and followed what LaRouche has been saying for years can see he has been right in spades…especially about the financial system, and the danger of war with Russia, with such lunatics as Bush/Cheney, et al. running the country.

    Assuming you have the concentration span to read it, try reading the whole article cited above, rather than the one paragraph, which expresses LaRouche’s marvelous pithy ironic sense of humor.

  4. It concerns me, also, when people gang up to verbally attack a person without even bothering to discuss and study the issues. Personal insults are meaningless, in any civial, polite, and reasonable society.

    No wonder so many people are disgusted with politics these days.

  5. It is a weak year for presidential candidates. The Republicans are running a geezer out of touch with the base of the party. The Democrats are running a candidate who hasn’t even served 2 years in Congress. The Libertarians are running a candidate who voted against some of their strongest ideals when he was in office.

  6. Lyndon Larouche was right again. He was first political entity to question everything about Bush’s power grab after 9/11. He first brought the Nigerian “yellow cake” fraud perpetuated by Bush, when the media and others wouldnt question Bush. He called out Alan Greenspan numerous times on the looming collapse of the financial crisis we are now slogging through. He predicted for years that Free Trade would hollow out our economy.
    Now he is predicting a “Cuban Missle Crisis” in Europe that may lead us into intervention. He is predicting that Green environment movement will destroy the remaining economy.
    If we followed Larouche over the years I guarantee we wouldnt have a 9 trillion dollar deficit and an economy about to collapse as China picks up our debt.
    Many times I will say “Larouche was right again!!” This man is genius.

  7. Doom and gloom, doom and gloom. Yep. Entropy and a tendency to disorder is always a safe bet to arouse the masses. But LaRouche is saying nothing original, nothing that hasn’t been said since the beginning of time.

    And so what? Are the citizens going to rise up with guillotines? Not a chance. As long as they can get a beer and pizza and watch a wide-screen TV nothing like that will happen.

    Of course a major realignment is on the horizon, if for no reason other than America cannot continue mortgaging the future and putting off the time to pay the piper with a war based economy. But to suggest that global disaster is inevitable is highly presumptuous.

  8. As far as Obama’s experience, Abraham Lincoln had also only served one term in Congress, plus some years in the Illinois legislature.

  9. If Lyndon is right and we have a real crash of the economy, and neither of the candidates, or even minor candidates want to talk about it, then they are totally useless. Anyone for a military coup?

  10. Richard,

    Abraham Lincoln presided over the most radical redefinition and reconstruction of American government in its entire history. We can argue whether he was the cause or one merely caught up in the times, but the question remains whether a more experienced politician would have led us to a different, and less destructive, result.

  11. Abe Lincoln was possibly the greatest president in the history of our nation; he presided over the defeat of the Confederacy, a British creation, the end of legal slavery in the U.S., and the greatest industrial revolution the world had ever seen… the Civil War would not have been necessary had it not been for the slave-loving South, but had Lincoln allowed the secession of S.Carolina, and then more states, the U.S. would have been finished as a constitutional republic and the Brutish Vampire would have prevailed!

  12. Oh, and to Richard, global disaster is NOT inevitable, IT’S HERE. Wake up, and smell the dead bodies! Boomers don’t like bad news, so they just say “It’s not happening”.

    If you read LaRouche’s material, you would never say he’s saying what everyone has said, and, forget the guillotines, the French Revolution sucked! We need people to use their MINDS!

    LaRouche has solutions to the crisis, which, we, the citizens must fight for.

  13. Richard Shepard Says:
    September 14th, 2008 at 8:43 am

    Abraham Lincoln presided over the most radical redefinition and reconstruction of American government in its entire history. We can argue whether he was the cause or one merely caught up in the times, but the question remains whether a more experienced politician would have led us to a different, and less destructive, result.

    Phil Sawyer responds:

    You are correct, Mr. Shepard. As evil as slavery was, war was not the answer. It hardly ever is.

  14. Richard,
    The marathon meetings to come up with a solution to the global financial crisis held in New York, September 12-24, might be more honestly called a “zombie jamboree.” The so-called economic recovery of the last 20 years of Sir Alan Greenspan, which produced a “securities machine,” i.e. a constant never ending scheme of one bubble after and on top of the next to produce an alleged income stream which could then be secutized, leveraged, traded, and re-traded, and re-re-traded, and then re-re-re-traded, HAS PROVEN TO BE A TOTAL SUCCESS; they got away with it cause you guys failed to listen to Larouche and act on his solutions, when you could have, MANY MOONS AGO!!! They were just as successful as Napoleon was in his invasion of Russia!!!!
    I can hear Felix, the Fixer Rohatyn now, turning to his Marshalls at Lehman Brothers now, echoing Napoleon’s famous words to Marshall Ney, “Marshall, WHERE ARE THE TROOPS?”
    If you can answer that question for Felix, you can figure out how Lyndon LaRouche, despite all the bubba meisters and bullshit, and just plain malicious slander spread against him, by THE MOST POWERFUL FINANCIAL FORCES IN THE WORLD, has been proven to be right and all of his opponents, WAY OFF BASE!!!!
    Care to argue about it? Be my guest… Gerald Pechenuk,

  15. Saneboomer,

    For another view of Lincoln, check this link –>

    If read what I said, you will note that I am not taking sides on Lincoln, merely observing that a different person could, and probably would, had done things differently, and perhaps without the loss of over 600,000 lives.

  16. Lyndon Larouche sucks. Everyone knows he is just a conman who is in the bag for the Clintons ever since they got him out of Prison in 1994. He would never support a great american like Ralph Nader for President. Go to or call 1-202-471-5833 to contact the Nader campaign by phone.

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