World Net Daily Sends Petitions to Each Member of the Electoral College

WorldNetDaily ( believes that Barack Obama should make his full birth certificate available, and is planning a Fed Ex package to be sent to each presidential elector, on Thursday, December 11. See here for WorldNetDaily’s explanation. The message from WorldNetDaily says that it has postal addresses for only 470 of the nation’s 538 presidential electors. However, on December 10, an employee of WorldNetDaily said that the organization now has the postal addresses of all 538 electors.

One wonders why WorldNetDaily is going to the expense of sending a FedEx package to the electors who say they will be voting for John McCain. Thanks to Glenn Brown for the link.


World Net Daily Sends Petitions to Each Member of the Electoral College — 6 Comments

  1. Well, remember, at least according to the Donofrio suit, McCain isn’t a natural born citizen either.

    This should be fun!

  2. yes that should be fun indeed, and that’s certainly true, McCain’s electors need to be noticed regarding natural born citizen status. This get a non DEM/GOP president elected yet — the real majority “party” is the non-affiliated voter class including those ortherwise independents that GOP and DEM extorted into enrolling in their partisan groups.

    p.s. this Friday we all get await the SCOTUS conference considering another case (CT based) regarding POTUS.

  3. Third party efforts are a waste of time and money.

    It would be better if Libertarian and Constitution party members would work as organized groups in the Republican party and Green and the various “socialist” party members should organize for action within the Democratic party.

    The only real hope for non R or D political success is in individual campaigns aimed for one person to be elected to one particular office without connection to any nationwide third party.

    I have been watching third parties since 1972 and worked very hard as a member of the Libertarian party for a number of years. Independent candidacies can win, but third parties will never win national elections. There will never be a Green, Constitution, Libertarian or Peace and Freedom, Congressman or Senator. I will no longer waste my time or money on third parties.

    Third parties exist so that the people at the top of the third parties can fleece true believers in the same manner that televagelists fleece their true believers.

  4. NATURAL BORN = AT BIRTH allegiance to a regime (derived from primitive feudal Dark Age tribal gang stuff).

    Obama had at birth allegiance to what regime (whether he liked it or not) ???

    His father’s regime — Kenya – then a British Empire colony ???

    Stay tuned.

    Sorry females – allegiance came from the FATHER’s allegiance since the fall of the Roman Empire.

    In 1787 there was NO trust in anybody being commander in chief of the U.S.A. military forces unless that person was a 4 July 1776 U.S.A. citizen or had AT BIRTH allegiance to the U.S.A. regime — i.e. NO foreign allegiance connection.

  5. (1) Electoral reforms are probably needed before non-major party candidates can become more viable and I often have made a plea for more such efforts being done.

    (2) The major parties do not have to allow certain citizens — based on political beliefs — to participate. Even if they did, such citizens would have little or no power and rarely a candidate.

    (3) Obama was born in (Hawaii) the United States of America. His mother was also born in the USA. That makes him a natural born citizen.

    (4) McCain is, on the other hand, probably not a natural born citizen…

  6. # 5

    The legal question is the citizenship status of folks with foreign fathers and U.S.A. mothers.

    See 14th Amdt, Sec. 1 in connection with *natural born* for Prez.

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