Buffalo News Story on Honolulu School Teacher Who Remembers Obama’s Birth

The Buffalo News ran a feature story on January 20 that consists of an interview with Barbara Nelson, who now lives in Kenmore, New York, near Buffalo. She lived in Honolulu in 1961 and remembers hearing about Barack Obama’s birth in the Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women and Children. She was friends with a retired obstetrician who relayed the story that a woman whose first name was Stanley had just given birth to a child with a wonderfully musical name. Here is the story. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for the link. In another interview after the story was published, Nelson said the Buffalo News had misquoted her when it said she said that her friend the obstetrician had himself delivered baby Obama. He was aware of the birth but he was not the doctor who delivered the baby.


Buffalo News Story on Honolulu School Teacher Who Remembers Obama’s Birth — No Comments

  1. If I were a birther, I would take this interesting hearsay and set up several dozen web sites (with urgent pleas to send $$$) and file a whole bunch of junk lawsuits, each one of which I would insist on taking all the way to the Supreme Court.

    Please send money quick to http://www.obamabornin Hawaii.com

  2. Is the tinfoil hat crowd still frothing about Obama winning, and all this “birth issue” nonsense? Well, at least it gives them something to do. Keep em away from the innocent public. Sheesh.

  3. No.. The Birthers are stil around?? Heck, Obama came clean in November..

    Remember?? It was at an event in New York City, Right before the election. John McCain spoke before him..

    He was born to on the plane Krypton to Jor-El, Sent here to save the planet..

  4. P.S. – Apparently the latest conspiracy is that the whole inauguration itself was a hoax. Really. There seem to be conspiracy theorists in other countries who actually believe this.

  5. Obama isn’t President (please send me money)
    Roberts flubbed the oath (please send me money)
    Obama re-took it without a bible (please send me money)

  6. 01/26/09: PRESS RELEASE – New Issue of GLOBE Magazine [Feb. 2nd] Highlights
    Philip J. Berg, Esq. Efforts to Expose Obama not being “qualified” to be President.
    Also, Berg states U.S. Supreme Court denied Injunction request but Berg has three [3] cases still open and Berg states he will prove Obama “ineligible” to be President

    (Contact information and PDF at end)

    (Lafayette Hill, PA – 01/26/09) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States and his cases that are still pending, Berg vs. Obama [2 cases – 1 under seal] and Hollister vs. Soetoro a/k/a Obama announced today that the new issue of GLOBE Magazine [2/2/09 issue] highlights his efforts to expose Obama not being “constitutionally qualified” and therefore, Obama should be removed from office.

    Berg also stated that the U.S. Supreme Court denied his request for an Injunction from the Conference that was held on January 16, 2009. However, the case that was denied by the U.S. Supreme Court, Berg vs. Obama is still pending in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals where Berg just filed a Brief on 1/20/09. Berg said I had bypassed the Third Circuit hoping that the U.S. Supreme Court would hear our case on an expedited basis because of the significance of the case.

    The two [2] other cases are in Federal Court and I will advise you shortly about the status of each.

    Berg said, “This is the 5th time GLOBE Magazine has highlighted the question of Obama’s lack of ‘constitutional qualifications’ to be President. The new story about Obama is the center spread and two [2] other pages. More and more people are aware of the fact that Obama does not meet the constitutional ‘qualifications’ and that this is the biggest ‘Hoax’ perpetrated on the citizens of the United States in 230 years.”

    Berg concluded, “I am proceeding for the 305 + million people in ‘our’ U.S.A., for ‘our’ forefathers and for the thousands and thousands that have died defending our Constitution with the legal fight to prove that Obama is not constitutionally qualified to be President.”

    Berg vs. Obama, Third Circuit Court of Appeals No. 08 – 4340
    Berg filed Brief on 1/20/09

    Berg vs. Obama, U.S. District Court
    Case filed under seal on 11/07/08 – cannot be discussed

    Hollister vs. Soetoro a/k/a Obama,
    U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, No. 08-cv-02254
    Response to Hollister Complaint due 1/26/09 by Soetoro/Obama and Biden

    For copies of all Court Pleadings, go to obamacrimes.com

    For Further Information Contact:

    Philip J. Berg, Esquire
    555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
    Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
    (610) 825-3134
    (800) 993-PHIL [7445]
    Fax (610) 834-7659
    Cell (610) 662-3005


  7. For the many constitutional law flippant MORONS — *natural born* = at birth allegiance to a nation-state regime — based on the nation-state status ONLY of the father (i.e. OUT of the control for each new kid) ???

    Feudal – primitive stuff from the DARK Age – Middle Ages — due to the hereditary EVIL class stuff in Europe as of 1787 (going back to the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 A.D.) — EVIL lunatic KILLER kings/queens in most of Europe in 1787 with the back then de facto serf *subjects* controlled by the monarchs – oligarchs at the top — with the inbreeding of the various monarch regimes — later to produce the horrors of World War I and II.

    Thus – is *natural born* stuff as obsolete as slavery and women having NO rights — to be wiped out by another constitutional amendment ???

  8. “…Obama …a musical name.”

    Over a year ago, when I posted my first comment about the “natural-born” status of both Obama and
    McCain, I made a comment that Obama was a part of
    a song, viz., “Pooh-Bah Mikado”, i.e., “oh-Bah Mi”
    from the Gilbert & Sullivan’s MIKADO song “The Flower That Bloom In The Spring” and thought it
    might be turned into a campaign song by changing
    the lyrics.

    Now Barbara Nelson raises it a new. I am a alumni
    of the Univerisity of Hawaii, Manoa. I have lived
    in Honolulu. Up until about 3 years ago, I had a
    condo in Waikiki, viz., 2161 Kalia Road.

    I went to the Outrigger Canoe Club many times in the past. The last time was in January, 1991. How-
    ever the Outrigger Canoe Club is in the Diamond
    Head district and not in Waikiki. Some one at the
    Buffalo News needs to do a fact check. What we have here is a Bobbe-Myseh (Yiddish for tall tale).

    I was informed yesterday in a telecom that Barbara
    Nelson is now claiming that Paula Voell of the Buffalo News misquoted her. When I was researching
    the activities of an active Nazi working in the United States Foreign Service a few years back, I
    remember having a telecom with a reporter of the
    Buffalo News about the subject of a Nazi that worked in the U.S. Department of State. They gave
    me some information. Now I am not sure that the
    information I received from the Buffalo News is correct.

    Barack Obama accord to Phil Berg source states that
    Barack Obama was born at 7:24 P.M. on August 4,
    Island of Mombasa off the East Coast of Africa. At that time Mombasa was part of the Omani Sultanate of Zanzibar under British Protection,
    therefore, at Barack Obama II’s birth he was a
    British Protected Person under the terms of the
    British Nationality Act 1948. He was not born a
    citizen of the United States.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  9. Someone needs to put up some evidence before this issue causes some serious overreaction or violence.

    If Obama has a real US birth certificate, he should procude it publically and make the whiners shut up.

    If those people honestly trying to defend the Constitution against this would be interloper have any REAL evidence, they should do the same.

    Obama won.

    McCain would have been worse. Biden would be worse too.

    Time to move on.

  10. To: GetOverYourselves:

    First, what is your web site? What do you need the
    money for? I do give to many organizations, by direct mail requests only. You can find an address
    for me by going to the American Independent Party
    web site. Most of the contributions I make deal
    with the Arctic issues, Jewish Issues, or John
    Birch Society issues. I have give to other groups
    in the past, but the above three get most of my donations.

    Therefore, what are the issues covered by your organization. Is it a 501 – C3 or 501 -C4?

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, American Independent

  11. I’m raising money to sue all the scammers like Berg, Keyes, Donofrio et al. for needlessly clogging the courts and wasting the time of judges and Secretaries of State with bogus lawsuits completely lacking in any factual evidence. I may need to keep a small % for overhead, of course.

  12. TO: GetOverYourselves:

    First all three men you cite are good men. They are not wasting the time of the judges. We have
    major issues of fraud with the 2008 presidential
    election. Here in California millions of casted
    votes for elector Ilene Huber were not listed on
    the California Governor’s Certificate of Assertainment. Under Article 2, Section 2.5 of the
    California Constitution those votes must be counted.

    Now Ilene Huber is dead, but her vote total needs
    to be reported to Congress by an amended Certificate of Assertainement. The court is the
    only body that can enforce the election laws, because the Governor and Secretary of State has
    not. Also, we have no proof that Election Code
    Section 6901 was completed and that was due to be
    completed on October 1, 2008.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party

  13. I skimmed through The Federalist Papers the other day and could find no commentary regarding the phrase natural born.
    My opinion, without any legal training or research other than as stated above, is that anyone who has one American citizen as parent is a natural born citizen.
    There are many very good reasons to oppose our mulatto messiah and we should be explaining them as vigorously and as often as possible.

  14. Mark-Keyes and Berg are cuckoo-one look in their faces is enough to send any sane person running as fast as their legs can carry them. I don’t know much about Donofrio. It’s clear that none of them would know a fact if it popped up and hit them on the head.

    You must think that if the election is held over and over again, you will win. I can assure you that even if it were re-done 10,000 times, you and your ridiculous party would stil lose.

    It’s over, Obama won. Now we debate policy. In 4 years you can try again. Don’t get your hopes up.

  15. “Mulatto messiah?” Wow. No comment on that one.

    The simple reason why Barack Obama may not be producing his birth certificate (I don’t know if he has or not, and frankly don’t care, given the vast panoply of genuine crises that is facing humanity at the moment) is that he has no reason to. No one in any position of authority vis a vis the Constitution opposed his qualifications for the presidency during the campaign. The only people yammering about it are the American political equivalent of Holocaust deniers. They can’t even get their hero Ron Paul on board with this nonsense.

    Why on earth would the president of the United States waste his time confronting and attempting to satisfy a tiny band of, as the British so picturesquely say, cranks?

  16. P.S. – What if I have two American-as-apple-pie parents, with passports/birth certificates/everything that would make the John Birch Society happy, and my mother gives birth to me while they’re visiting [insert your favorite non-USA country here]? Is that “natural born?” Is there any logical reason why a person born under such circumstances should not be eligible to be president of the United States within the requirements as stated in the Constitution?

    Would answering this question be easier if the person in dispute were a white, ultraconservative flag waver instead of a biracial (excuse me, “mulatto messiah”) liberal?

  17. You people have it all wrong. Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii or Kenya, he was born in the same sound stage that NASA faked the moon landings in. God, if your going to go through the trouble of making an a** of yourselves, at least get your facts straight beforehand.

  18. TO: delvalsoc

    In delvalsoc statement he stated “Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii or Kenya…” It is my view that this part of the post is correct., reason the
    Island of Mombasa on August 4, 1961, was part of the Omani Sultanate of Zanzibar under British Protection, that would have made Barack Obama at
    birth a British Protected Person under the terms
    on the British Nationality Act 1948.

    I hope you would re-look at your post and provides
    me with your views about the flat earth?

    Sincely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party

  19. You’re right Mark, the most important issue before us, the issue on which all mankind depends, is which sultanate and/or colonial power owned Mombasa in August 1961. Why, I can think of nothing else, day or night

    Now, would you please send money? Thank you.

  20. David Gaines @20: The Rule of Law is the ONLY reason that has to matter. FIFTY-FIVE elected officials did not do the job they were required by law to do, which is verify his eligibility. The impacts are enormous.

    David Gaines @21: I seem to recall completely explaining the whole natural-born issue in terms of McCain around this time a year ago. To refresh your memory, check out http://muddythoughts.blogspot.com/2008/02/panmanchurian-candidate-mccain.html

    And I’m no “tinfoil hat whiner” either. I just want to see the process done correctly.

  21. If Obama’s mom turns out to have been a CIA cold war “asset” while using employment at the Ford Foundation as a front, and Obama was born in Africa and then registered in HI with a COLB, I would expect BO’s attorneys to argue that Obama be deserves a special one-time constitutional exception as the CIA authorized product of the cold war.

  22. Wow, I’m ashamed to say that Berg is from the same town as the one I live in. And I think that’s the most notable thing to ever come out of Lafayette Hill. M. Night Shamylan (sp?) was born in the town next door, but we’ve got a crazy lawyer.

  23. “The impacts are enormous.” The impacts are nil. Everyone who counts has satisfied themselves that Obama was born in Hawaii, as his birth certificate states and no actual evidence disputes. They consider him the President, whether they support or oppose his policies, as do the vast majority of the people.

    Oh and by the way, 10 birthers cross-referencing each others’ web sites isn’t evidence. Nor are arguments rejected by every court they have been made in of any import.

  24. perhaps at the end of this traumatic episode in US and world history, just now beginning to play out in crisis, only “natural born citizens” will be allowed to vote and hold office, and even naturalized citizens will lose their right to vote and hold public office.

  25. GOY, the impacts are enormous, since all Executive Orders, NCA Orders, and bill signings by an ineligible President become legally void whether people believe them valid or not. In terms of the military, that means people in harms way. How is that NOT enormous?

    As for my evidence, it comes not from birthers. It comes straight from the government itself. Did you even bother to read my link and check its citations? Apparently not.

    One last thing: courts tend to be incompetent and duck the fundamental issues as a matter of course, hiding behind arcane ideas as “lack of standing” and “deferring to the legislature.” One can pick Supreme Court cases at random and within two picks, usually the first one, they can find gross errors in logic, reasoning, and constitutional law.

  26. Michael Seebeck:

    #1. Obama is eligible. His COLB is prima facie valid unless there is evidence to overturn it. There is none. Period. End of story.

    #2. Your arguments are just that, arguments. There are dozens of counter arguments, which I’m not going to waste time with. The fact that Michael Seebeck believes them is irrelevant. No court has validated them and I am confident none will.

    #3. All orders, laws, etc. are lawful unless the courts say they’re not. Don’t believe me? Violate one and see. Bring your toothbrush to court, though, because a trip to the slammer is highly likely.

    billvanallen-There is a crisis, but it has nothing to do with birth certificates. Hint: Check your 401-K.

  27. look at history of state and federal and especially SCOTUS court decisions (or legislation) regarding slavery prior to the civil war and tell us why you think this natural born fiasco will not lead directly to civil war.

  28. Oh my, yes. Let’s compare and contrast slavery and the long form vs short form birth certificate “issue”:

    1. Slavery deeply affected the daily lives and deaths of millions of people. Long vs short affects the daily lives and deaths of exactly zero people.

    2. Slavery directly opposed the strong economic interests of southern plantation owners against those of northern factory owners. Long vs short affects the economic interests of exactly no one.

    3. Slavery was the central topic of debate by the great minds of the pre-civil war era. Every philosopher, statesman, writer and important thinker wrote thoughtful and impassioned essays on the topic. Long vs short has been commented on by exactly none of the important thought leaders of our era. It is taken seriously only by a few internet cranks (and I’m not even convinced all of them really care half as much as they pretend).

    I could go on, but I think you get my drift.

  29. To: GetOverYourselves:

    In your post # 24 you raised the issue of who was the owner (viz., sovereign at the time of Obama’s
    birth on August 4, 1961, because that would have an
    effect on his real nationality and citizenship) of
    Mombasa Island. First the red flag of the sultan
    flew over Fort Jesus on the birth date of Mr. Obama.

    Next in the PROCEEDING CONNECTED WITH THE COMMISSION APPOINTED BY GOVERNMENT TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT ON THE DISPUTES BETWEEN THE RULERS OF MUSCAT AND ZANZIBAR, by Brig. Wm M. Coghlan, it states at page 116 that “the right to the sovereignty does not appear to have been reguarded as valid without the concurrence of the principal

    In the January 12, 2009 issue of GLOBE it states:
    “America’s next commander in chief (sic.) was born
    at Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa at
    7:24 p.m. on Aug. 4, 1961”.

    Based on the Badger’s investigation, the same Commission above stated concluded that the Sultan
    of Zanzibar claims to sovereignty over Zanzibar and its dependence Mombasa Island were justified.

    It should be remembered that back in the 19th century after the Berlin Conference delegates had
    departed, the Kaiser assumed sovereignty over the
    territories “west of the empire of the Sultan of
    Zanzibar and outside the suzerainty of the other
    Powers”, at the same time the United States Government, viz., the United States Secretary of
    State “reserving our future decisions with regard
    to other acquisitions.” See “Letter of Protection,
    Berlin, 27 February 1885”, in United States, Department of State, FOREIGN RELATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1885 (Washington, D.C.; U.S. Government Printing Office, 1886), pp. 441-442.

    It should be noted that upon the publishing the
    notice of the Kaiser “assumed sovereignty” in that
    published “Schutzbrief”, Sultan Sayyid Barghash immediately protested and made public that the
    chiefs of Chagga and Kilimanjaro issued declarations professing that they and their people
    were subjects of the Sultan of Zanzibar and were
    loyal to him and his flag.

    Remember that Barack Obama, Sr., was Afro-Arab,
    viz., 5 of his 8 great-grandparents were Arab.
    Further in Barack Obama’s book DREAMS he stated that his Paternal Grandfather had lived in Zanzibar.

    In the 8 March 1951 issue of AL NAHADA “Revival”
    Sayyid Saif bin Hamud wrote: “…this Sultanate
    is not a Crown Colony, nor is it a territory whose
    lands can be given away at one’s will to anybody one likes. This Sultanate is only given to His
    Majesty’s Governmewnt on trust; and out of her own free will she keep herself under His Majesty’s protection. Thus, your freedom of action in giving away our rights is not in keeping with the national law.”

    By the terms of the Nationality Decree of 1953,
    Barack Obama is a citizen of Sultanate of Zanzibar.
    He was never to my knowledge a Citizen of Kenya,
    even though he claims in his book DREAMS that he
    gave up his Kenyan Citizenship on his 21 birthday.
    It should be noted that Barack Obama became a citizen of the Sultanate of Zanzibar on his birth
    at Coast Province General Hospital on Mombasa Island on August 4, 1961 and that did not effect
    his states as a British Protected Person under the British Nationality Act 1948 or his naturalization
    in Indonesia in the mid 1960’s, because the aforesaid Nationality Decree 0f 1953 allowed dual
    citizenship, but paramount loyallty “was owed to the Sultan”. Today the Sulltan and its Government
    -in-Exile is it Portsmouth, England.

    I hope with this information you will get a good nights rest. Remember, the founding fathers were
    concerned of the idea that the President of the United States should be loyal to this country and
    its constitution. Now we have a person in the White House that has a legal “paramount loyality”
    to Sultan Jamshid and not to the Constitution of the United States.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

  30. Mark let me expand on that. Obama was born in Hawaii. He wouldn’t know Sultan Jamshid from a ham sandwich.

    But even in your fantasy, suppose someone (call him Joe) was born in Zanzibar or China or Antartica and brought to the US by his American parent when they were a few days old. They would have no memory of their birthplace and no loyalty to it. Hell, most politicians main loyalty is to their own electoral prospects. Since you are a politician (self described) that is probably true of you as well.

    Why don’t you find something useful to do with your time like trying to calculate how many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Your discourses on sultans have as much relevance to anyone’s life as that.

  31. If you believe that the photoshopped image of a “Certification of Live Birth” as shown on partisan websites is a valid, legal form of verification of one’s identity, try showing an ‘image’ of your own birth certificate on your laptop when you need to go to a Social Security office to apply for benefits or the DMV to apply for a driver’s license or to the Post Office to apply for a passport and see where that will get you. In one of Obama’s own books, (Audacity of Hope or Dreams From My Father), he stated in his own words that he had found a copy of his ‘birth certificate’ in the 1990’s between the pages of a book he was reading. I’m sure he had to show an actual, physical copy (not computer image) of his ‘birth certificate’ at least 10 times in his life for various things such as a driver’s license (in HI. and CA., N. Y. and IL. where he attended college), his passport to go to Indonesia and Pakistan in 1981 (a trip he, himself, mentioned in one of his books) and any financial aid he may have applied for. Since he already had a ‘birth certificate’ in his possession all those years, why would he have had to obtain a new one in June, 2007 to put up on the web? Could it be that the one(s) in his possession all that time showed that he was ineligible to run for, and assume, the office of POTUS? Could the ‘image’ of a ‘Certification of Live Birth’ posted on his website have been a ‘Photoshopped’ (or other program) electronically generated copy created from someone else’s certificate? Why has he been willing to spend over $100,000.00 in attorney’s fees for almost a year to fight every single request or lawsuit to avoid producing a physical, certified copy of a birth certificate that he had previously acknowledged that he had in his possession or obtain one from the State of Hawaii for the measley sum of $12.00? Why did Mr. Obama/Soetoro have ALL his academic records sealed long before his nomination as the Democratic candidate was finalized in August, 2008? How will the historians be able to write an accurate biography for this 44th POTUS without access to the actual facts about his life? It would have only taken a few minutes out of his hectic election schedule to show the actual, physical birth certificate from which the website image was made to representatives from the top three or four major networks (ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX) all at the same news conference way back in June, 2008 when the question of his ‘natural born citizenship’ first came up to completely put this issue to rest once and for all. Instead, he chose to send out teams of attorney’s at an exorbitant cost to submit ‘motions to dismiss’ for every single lawsuit. The facts of the cases have NEVER been seen by ANY judge as they have all been dismissed for ‘lack of standing’ (nobody has a right to ask or know). NO judge has dismissed any case on the merits or facts since NO judge has ever seen, or asked to see, the evidence. Obama’s attorney’s have gotten all cases dismissed without any evidence presented by either side. The officials in Hawaii never said that the image posted on the website was an image of the certificate they have on file for Barack Obama in Hawaii. They just said that they had one on file. Too many unanswered questions that could all go away with a simple $12.00 physical copy of his real Birth Certificate. How much more money will he spend on attorneys to fight the lawsuits before we find out the truth?
    Getoveryourselves said:
    “1. Slavery deeply affected the daily lives and deaths of millions of people. Long vs short affects the daily lives and deaths of exactly zero people.”
    As POTUS, Barack Obama could easily cause the “deaths of millions” and “affect(ed) the daily lives” of billions around the world. Will you think it’s important then if he does? All we would like is the truth as he promised us during the campaign of an open and honest administration. He could start with the simple truth of his birth and citizenship status.

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