Two American Independent Party Figures Withdraw from One Obama Birth Lawsuit

On August 1, Markham Robinson and Wiley Drake withdrew from the lawsuit filed by Alan Keyes on January 20 in federal court in Orange County, California. The lawsuit, Keyes v Obama, is one of the lawsuits filed over President Barack Obama’s qualifications. UPDATE: Robinson and Drake intend to remain in the lawsuit, but they are dissatisfied with their legal representation, so they should be back in the case very soon with another attorney.

Robinson is state chair of the faction of the American Independent Party that supported Keyes for president last year. Drake was Keyes’ vice-presidential running mate in California (although not in other states) on the AIP ticket.

Keyes v Obama is the lawsuit that was covered in the Los Angeles Times of July 13, 2009. The Times felt the hearing was worth covering because at that hearing, Judge David O. Carter arranged for the goverment to assist the plaintiffs by serving the defendants, so that the case could proceed. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for this news. It is not known why Robinson and Drake dropped out of the lawsuit.


Two American Independent Party Figures Withdraw from One Obama Birth Lawsuit — 39 Comments

  1. Werent the plaintiffs being sued for sanctions by the Obama camp, something in the neighborhood of $1 million?

    Was there a deal struck, whereas they dropped the suit and Obama dropped the pursuit of sanctions?

  2. Who exactly has *standing* to cause most of the U.S.A. Constitution NOT to be violated — regardless of the appointed party hack U.S.A. Supremes ???

    Obviously the New Age powermad incumbents in the gerrymander Congress and White House since 1789 do NOT care if they violate the Constitution by their acts or omissions — they just act or not act — for themselves and the various special interest party hack gangs.

  3. Cover up? His official state documents say he was born in Hawaii and the State of Hawaii has confirmed (twice, including last week) that he was born in Hawaii. If you have a valid driver’s and Motor Vehicles confirms it then we have to accept you as a licensed driver.

    The election is over and the case is moot. There are no Presidential election do-overs. Even if there were 100 do-overs Keyes would lose all 100 anyway.

  4. Of course Alan Keyes would lose all 100 elections. But he needs to keep running. This is what he does. He is a professional politician who has paid himself a salary out of campaign funds. He is pushing this case so the true believers, who dwindle by the day, will keep sending donations. Alan Keyes did better than expected in 2000 and has been shrinking ever since. His lust for attention led him to head out to Illinois to be burried by Obama in 2004. In 2008, he recieved only a fraction of the votes he got in 2000 in the GOP primaries. Then Keyes went on to lose the CP nomination to Chuck Baldwin–only to create his own party. Keyes got only a handful of votes on his AIP (America’s Independent Party-but America’s Invisible Party is more like it) line and came a distant seventh place. So Keyes tries to keep getting headlines and rack in the donations-even as he becomes a smaller and smaller figure on the national stage. But his whorish lust for attention will never die and leads him on to even greater public defeats.

  5. I dont care how many states confirm things. We have courts. A judge asked for the proof. This is easy to handle and solve. Yet it was not. WHY????

  6. I’m confused. Isn’t the Keyes faction America’s Independent Party, not the American Independent Party?

  7. Keyes said he was creating America’s Independent Party in April 2008, after he failed to get the presidential nomination of the Constitution Party. However, he only got it on the ballot in Colorado and Florida. There seems to be no national structure to America’s Independent Party, no headquarters, and no work to build it. Keyes seems to have forgotten about it.

    The American Independent Party exists only in California. Ever since 1992, it had been the California affiliate of the Constitution Party. But in 2008, two separate meetings of the American Independent Party state central committee sent in competing presidential nominations to the California Secretary of State. One of the competing meetings nominated Keyes; the other nominated Baldwin. The California Secretary of State decided the Keyes meeting was the legitimate state central committee meeting of the American Independent Party. The Baldwin faction still contests the Secretary of State’s ruling.

  8. I can’t blame them. Only an insane human being would ever consider associating themselves with the homophobic right wing fanatic Dr. Alan Keyes. No one cares about the AIP/Constitution party problems. The LP recieved 3 times as many votes in the presidential election. LIBERTARIANS OF THE WORLD UNITE!

  9. #12 Of course, Rove is one of THE all time EVIL LIARS — where are those weapons of mass destruction in the 2003 Iraq War — 6 plus years and counting ???

  10. #12 Of course it’s a forgery and a clumsy one at that. I don’t need that fool Rove to figure it out. For one thing it says “Republic of Kenya” and Kenya didn’t become a Republic until December 1964. And how did Orly Taitz come up with this document? Hmm…

    Mr bill van allen is a fraud and a disgrace. He absolutely guaranteed right here on this site that Barack Obama would resign the presidency before July 4, 2009. Everyone can check his posts on this board back in May and see for yourselves. Well, here it is August 3, 2009 and Obama is still president.

    So, bill van allen is a liar.

  11. 1) All the state offical in Hawaii did last week was to look at the document and say it was real. Why didn’t he release it then if everything was real? 2) Alan Keyes got a total 40,673 votes from California in 2008. The highest since the AIP joined with the CP. The second highest vote was 26,645 in 2000. Alan Keyes at the top of the ticket got a 35 percent increase in the vote for president. That means he would have gotten 270,000 votes across the country had he been the nominee. All the CP leadership is doing when they run for president is trying to find a new way to lose votes.

  12. van allan exposed as a liar and fraud. He can dance and spin till the cows come home, but the truth is clear. He GUARANTEED Obama would not be President after July 4, 2009. What kind of crook gives a guarantee and then tries to weasel out?

    #18 The official birth record in Hawaii since 2001 when they went electronic is a computer database. In what form would you propose they release that and for what reason? 1000 Hawaiians could write and ask for a B.C. today and they would all get exactly what Obama has.

    The matter is moot anyway. Show me in the Constitution where a hudge canm decide who the President is. The belecyion was certifed by Congress and judges are not empowered to overturn that. Or are you saying you want judges legislating from the bench?

  13. getover what, Mr. fraud? The election is over. What part of over do you not understand you crook?

    What will you do to make good on your guarantee? You are a dishonorable scammer, sir.

  14. Dear Richard Winger:

    I hope you are monitoring this board. I must take issue with the person posting under the name of billvanallen. This person on numerous occasions in May 2009 on this board issued an absolute guarantee that Barack Obama would resign the presidency before July 4, 2009 due to issues related to his birth status. Obviously billvanallen was wrong and made statements contrary to fact. All I want is for him to be a person of his word amd admit that he was wrong. I hope as moderator of this site you will intervene and insist that billvanallen honor his guarantees.

    Thank you.

  15. The corruption of Mark Robinson is documented at my website Wiley Drake has chosen to accept, endorse, promote, and be associated with the corruption of Alan Keyes and Mark Robinson.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  16. Warning! Don Grundmann is member of the AIP state
    central committee. He has not been an AIP officer
    since September 2, 2008. He was removed as an area
    director by past chairman Ed Noonan in 2008.

    On June 27, 2008, the American Independent Party state central committee affiliated with the America’s Independent Party of Fenton, Michigan.

    The AIP never been a part of the Constitution Party. AIP only affiliates with a National Party and that currently that the America’s Independent Party.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party and Executive Committeeman, America’s Independent Party (natioinal affiliate).

  17. Oh, joy! Now this thread is complete! Both Beavis and Butthead have shown up!

    I leave it to the reader to figure out which is which

  18. Jeffrey – If you want to learn something and even perhaps, gasp!!, actually ” think ” ( I know that this may be a foreign concept for you ) then you are welcome to learn of the corruption of Mark Seidenberg, as a lieutenant of Alan Keyes, at Best to you,

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  19. Jeffery, no, I am not in favor of judges making up their own law as they go along. Nor can a judge rule who is president. He or she can rule however who is qualified to be president according to the Constitution. I say just release the original already.

  20. Michael: If you read the Constitution, the role of determining whether the candidate with the most Electoral College votes is qualified rests with Congress, not judges. Moreover, Congress is required to make that decision not whenever they feel like it, but at a specified time, namely when the Electoral College votes are counted in January. They decided, without objection that Barack Obama was indeed qualified. Under the Constitution there is no appeal of that decision.

    This isn’t just me saying this; several judges in these silly birther lawsuits have in fact said they have no power to rule because this matter is in the domain pf Congress and Congress has already spoken.

    You could produce certified film of Barack Obama being born in Nairobi, Honolulu or Times Square in front of 30,000 spectators and that wouldn;t change a thing, because the matter has been decided until 2012. Then you can do it all over again.

  21. 1) I have read the Constituion. 2) Congress spoke without the original birth record being released. I’m just saying release it already. It’s sounding more and more of the time many years ago when the White House said Watergate was just “a third rate brake-in.”

  22. Comnress knows, as should you, that the Hawaiian Certificate that Obama has is an absolutely valid legal document, perfectly acceptable as proof of birth and citizenship for a passport, driver’s license ir Social Security. They also know, as should you, that Hawaii went to fully electronic records in 2001, as did most states. The electronic record is the official one.

    I recently applied for my daughter’s BC from her birth state (not HI). They took the electronic record and used that to issue the B.C. Her document has EXACTLY the same information as Obama’s. Obama’s b.c. says PLACE OF BIRTH-Honolulu; that means the electronic record says he was born in Honolulu. Now you want them to release an electronic database? How do they do that without releasing confidential information on 10s of 1,000s of other Hawaiians? And even if they could find a way to do that, the electronic record would say the same as the paper, because it is the source the paper was generated from.

    Why is that so hard to understand? If you print out this post, it will read the same on paper as on the computer, because the paper was generated from the computer.

    A final point-whatever documents Congress depended upon is immaterial. They certified the election and Obama is President and can only be removed, according to the Constitution, by impeachment. No judge can alter that and none will attempt to, because that would be judicial activism of the most egregious type.

  23. Richard – Comment #35 above is Mark Seidenberg writing as Bill Lussenheide. Is there any avenue available for dealing with fake commentary?

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  24. Bill,

    Thank you for sharing you views on Dr. Grundmann. I agree with you on Dr. Grundmann.

    I note one of problems is your membership with the
    Constitution Party. According automatically dual-enrollement into the Constitution Party happens upon joining the NVC. It follows you can enroll in NVC and still be have a CP membership without the embarassment of direct affiliation. Ask Larry
    if that is possible.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

  25. Richard – Thank you. I hope this note finds you well. Best to you,

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  26. Warning! Don Grundmann is only a member of the
    State Central Committee. He has not been an officer of AIP since 2 September 2008. He was removed by former Chairman Ed Noonan as an area director in 2008.

    The AIP has been an affliate of the America’s Independent Party since June 27, 2008. The Constitution Party is past history. Don Grundmann
    has never been a Vice-Chairman of the AIP.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party and Executive Committeeman, America’s Independent Party (national affliate of

  27. The extreme corruption of Mark Seidenberg is illustrated at

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

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