Gallup Poll Finds that 18% of Voters Don’t Want to Vote for Either Major Party in 2012 for President

On June 16, a Gallup Poll was released for the presidential election of 2012. It shows that 39% of voters desire to vote to re-elect President Obama, 44% desire to vote for whomever the Republican Party nominates, and 18% say “other” or are undecided.


Gallup Poll Finds that 18% of Voters Don’t Want to Vote for Either Major Party in 2012 for President — 19 Comments

  1. Pingback: Gallup Poll Finds that 18% of Voters Don’t Want to Vote for Either Major Party in 2012 for President |

  2. Before the LPers or CPers get all excited, let me advise them these 18% of the voters are not automicatically inclined to vote for their “back to the 17th century economic philosophies.” Yes, more and more people are fed up with both Democratic and Republican parties, but neither are they going to “cut off their nose to spite their face.”


  4. Gee – what happened in 1992 ??? — to make Clinton and the Donkeys very happy.

    Divide and CONQUER — to get POWER ??? Duh.

  5. Who knows, with the right candidate and lots of money a 3rd party candidate could break the 1-percent mark or higher. Ross proved that in 1992. Would Ed Clark in 1980 gotten more votes if John Anderson wasn’t in that race? After all Clark had 50 state ballot access.

  6. These polls don’ mean much. It’s waaaay too early to make any predictions on the race. For several years now, polls have declared that American voters want a third party, but come election time, they still vote for the Demoplicans or the Republocrats. What we need to look at is real-world analysis and results, not a sample of 500 or so voters that doesn’t portray the interests of America at large.

  7. Pingback: Gallup Poll Finds that 18% of Voters Don’t Want to Vote for Either Major Party in 2012 for President | Ballot Access News

  8. And 25% would reelect George Bush if he were able to run. And about 20% would elect Sarah Palin.

    I’m guessing about 12% would vote for a can of tomato soup.

  9. “I’m guessing about 12% would vote for a can of tomato soup.”

    I would IF it were low sodium!

  10. This BAN headline is a little misleading. 18% undecided at this stage is not at all unusual. Much more meaningful are the polls, like those mentioned in #2, that ask explicitly about third party and independent candidates.

  11. To RJ: Yes and No to your question of “Would Ed Clark in 1980 gotten more votes if John Anderson wasn’t in that race? After all Clark had 50 state ballot access.” Yes, he might have gotten a few more votes – but no where near the some 5 million plus I believe Anderson received. LPers and CPers don’t understand that ballot position in all 50 states plus tons of money means nothing if you are advocating for things the American people do not want. LPers and CPers seem to refuse to understand that Americans want some type of Social Security, Medicare and Health Care. They also want aid to education and tax relief – not for the rich Americans – but for the common working Americans. LPers and CPers don’t get it. No 3rd party which suggests we go back to an economic world we lived in during the turn of the 20th century won’t fly. Yes, most Americans believe in National Sovereignity, the Constitution and the Individual Rights which go with it, but they also believe government can develop monetary and economic policies which makes their lifes a little better for their children than what they or their parents had. Again, LPers and CPers “just don’t get it.”

  12. A mere $$ 17.1 TRILLION in accumulated govt debts in the U.S.A. (Fed – States – local) in 1929-2010 = NATIONAL B-A-N-K-R-U-P-T-C-Y

    — govt spending about 21 percent more than income EVERY YEAR on average since 1929.

    Such deficits CUT the savings for PRODUCTIVE private capital investment – houses, factories, stores, etc. = CUT JOBS, JOBS, JOBS.

    See the bankrupt socialist Greece regime — begging for bailouts — with riots by the usual suspects in the Greece streets.

    The econ disaster of ALL times is coming — perhaps just in time for the 2012 gerrymander elections — with the armies of econ MORON pandering robot party hack candidates — with more and more govt Ponzi schemes.

    P.R. and App.V. – to END the EVIL control freak statism and econ insanity of the Donkeys/Elephants.

  13. Here you go again, Demo Rep, spouting this demonic nonsense that an unbridled capitalist system will cure all. The fact is, it is that unbridled capitalist, private banking system which has caused the “A mere $$ 17.1 TRILLION in accumulated govt debts in the U.S.A. (Fed – States – local) in 1929-2010 = NATIONAL B-A-N-K-R-U-P-T-C-Y

    – govt spending about 21 percent more than income EVERY YEAR on average since 1929.

    Such deficits CUT the savings for PRODUCTIVE private capital investment – houses, factories, stores, etc. = CUT JOBS, JOBS, JOBS.

    See the bankrupt socialist Greece regime — begging for bailouts — with riots by the usual suspects in the Greece streets.

    The econ disaster of ALL times is coming — perhaps just in time for the 2012 gerrymander elections — with the armies of econ MORON pandering robot party hack candidates — with more and more govt Ponzi schemes.

    P.R. and App.V. – to END the EVIL control freak statism and econ insanity of the Donkeys/Elephants.”

    When are you going to start thinking for yourself and stop being a “mouth piece” for those who have caused the current economic problems we are experiencing? When are you going to ever understand only a government owned National Bank issuing only non-indebted currency and inflation controlled by government management of prices and wages – resulting in reasonable profits for businesses and living wages for workers – will stop the prevent the utimate bankruptcy you correctly predict will happen.

    Wake up, Demo Rep!

  14. The Donkey/Elephant ANTI-Democracy gerrymander GOVERNMENTS since 1929 have directly caused the pending economic breakdown.

    — the 3 U.S.A. gerrymander systems – H. Reps, Senate, Prez/VP

    — all 99 houses of the 50 State legislatures.

    — many local gerrymander regimes.

    1/2 votes x 1/2 gerrymander areas = 1/4 control.

    Much worse with primary math — decade after decade —

    — with the pending govt debt CRISIS — nothing new in world history — with EVIL rotted to the core minority rule govts.

    P.R. and App.V.

  15. Demo Rep

    “The Donkey/Elephant ANTI-Democracy gerrymander GOVERNMENTS since 1929 have directly caused the pending economic breakdown.”

    Bull crap! The pending economic breakdown has been caused by an unbridled and greedy capitalist system, the absence of a National Bank issuing only non-indebted currency, and a permanent management of Prices (reasonable profits) and Wages (adequate living wages) is the causes of this problem.

    When are YOU going to wake up and help me spread the truth so that America might be spared what we both agree is coming?

  16. Do only 5 SCOTUS robot party hacks know what is *reasonable* and *adequate* ???

    Which socialist regime is NOT totally bankrupt ???

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