Analysis of What British Green MP Has Achieved in Her First Year

Huffington Post UK has this extensive interview with Caroline Lucas, the first and only Green Party nominee elected to the British House of Commons. Thanks to GreenPartyWatch for the link.


Analysis of What British Green MP Has Achieved in Her First Year — No Comments

  1. How many times has MP Lucas talked about the EVIL minority rule gerrymander system in the U.K. House of Commons and talked about the P.R. remedy ???

    If not, then she is just one more robot party hack in her gerrymander district.

  2. Pingback: Analysis of What British Green MP Has Achieved in Her First Year |

  3. “For her, the green movement is about improving people’s lives – tackling the problem of fuel poverty, creating jobs and growth.”

    Whatever happened to “growth is the ideology of the cancer cell?”

    There’s nothing *green* about the Greens-they’re just another left-wing political party with the same positions as all the other left-wing political parties.

    “Growth remains sacred. “But holding CO2 emissions in 2056 to their present rate, without choking off economic growth, is a desirable outcome within our grasp.” To meet the growing global demand for energy, “thousands of new power plants must be built.” “If the fleet of nuclear power plants were to expand by a factor of five by 2056, displacing conventional coal plants,” what will we do after 2056? None of the authors expresses any recognition of Eric Sevareid’s law, “The chief cause of problems is solutions.”(3) Example: Nuclear power is a solution to the problem of CO2 emissions from coal burning, but nuclear power comes with its own new problems. There is a lonely isolated touch of reality in the opening sentence of the article on renewable energy: “No plan to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions can succeed through increases in energy efficiency alone.” The reason behind this reality is that continuing population growth, even at the level of approximately 1% per year, will likely overwhelm the annual savings that can be achieved nationally or globally through improved efficiencies.”

  4. More thoughts on growth:

    “The arithmetic is clear. Steady growth produces impossibly large numbers in modest periods of time. SO GROWTH WILL STOP. Referring to Boulder, we have read the innumerate statement “So our choice is not whether we grow, but how we grow.” The authors of this statement would like us to believe that the battle against growth is lost, so our only role is to be the best possible losers. They write that we should give up the efforts to achieve a quiet stability for our community, and in defeat, we should “embrace the principles of Smart Growth.” We can understand this. That’s the game in which they are the big winners.”

    “We must remember that “Smart Growth” and “Dumb Growth” both destroy the environment, but “Smart Growth” destroys the environment with good taste. Frosty Woolridge quotes a writer who points out the stark truth, “Growth is not the answer; it’s the problem.”

  5. More help for the clueless:
    “…we have at this blog taken a single viewpoint on the environmental crisis: it has a singular cause, which is land overuse, driven by another singular cause, which is a rise in human population.”

    “We further note how many societies, including Easter Island and pre-Revolutionary France, doomed themselves by increasing their population past the carrying capacity of the land, specifically among the peasants who then initiated class warfare and killed off the capable leaders.”

    “Even more, we’re painfully aware that all of the liberal “solutions” to the environmental crisis are bunk. The liberal solution is to make more peasants by giving peasants subsidies — in other words, class warfare, which is the liberal solution to everything.”

  6. icr,

    i recommend posting in daylight hours when you might have more lucidity.

  7. Very easy to be a spread the wealth STATIST with the income and assets of OTHER folks.

    Have Obama, Pelosi, Reid, etc. given ALL of their wealth to the poor and sick and are thus begging on the streets ???

    — or are they loving to borrow/spend TRILLIONS more (if not Quadrillions) to totally bankrupt Western Civilization ???

  8. “Shortly after making history, Caroline Lucas gave a speech on Glastonbury’s pyramid stage, ___called for drugs to be decriminalised___ and won the Spectator’s much-coveted parliamentarian of the year award.”

    Ugh, and to think I voted for this party in the European Parliament elections. Never again. The Green Parties in the UK are known for being fairly left wing even in comparison to other mildly left parties like the old guard in Labour and the Liberal Democrats, but I didn’t realise they went into insanity.

    Who’s left of the UK left worth voting for?

  9. # 8 — Treat adults like adults — responsible for their actions.

    Some percentage of adult folks can put *drugs* into their bodies and survive.

    Why do other adults bother them ???

    See the MORON 18th Amdt with its 21st Amdt repeal — and ALL of the EVIL in between — killed/injured folks, corrupted govt folks, disrespect for the *law*, etc.

  10. Well, perhaps because it makes it accessible for Children or Adults who can’t control their addiction. I constantly hear these poor arguments that decriminalisation wouldn’t let it into the hands of children, but they are supposedly blocked from buying Alcohol and Tobacco products, yet there is widespread use of both substances in these groups of people.

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