Pennsylvania Bill to Let Each U.S. House District Choose its own Presidential Elector Seems Unlikely to Pass

It has now been almost four weeks since Pennsylvania Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi introduced SB 1282 in the Senate. This is the bill to provide that each U.S. House district would choose its own presidential elector. The bill has not moved out of the Senate State Government Committee, even though it was given a hearing on October 4. This suggests that the sponsor knows the bill would be unlikely to pass the legislature, and has given up on it.


Pennsylvania Bill to Let Each U.S. House District Choose its own Presidential Elector Seems Unlikely to Pass — No Comments

  1. I bet this would pass in West Virginia where the 3rd CD is solid Dem, the 2nd CD is solid Rep, the 1st CD is now a toss-up, both U.S. Senators are solid Dem, the state has gone Republican for president the past three elections, and the Democrats have solid control of the legislature. With five Electoral Votes, the Democrats would be guaranteed to take at least one EV away from the Republicans.

  2. Nonstop ANTI-Democracy gerrymanders in the U.S.A. regime since 1789 —

    House Reps.
    Prez/VP – Electoral College

    1/2 votes x 1/2 gerrymander areas for control = about 1/4 control indirectly

    in reality about 30 percent — bit worse in the Senate.

    One result the now about 18 TRILLION in fixed govt debts with trillions more coming.

    Save Democracy.
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  3. Thank goodness! The Republicans would have had a monopoly on every Presidential election in the future! Philly and Pittsburgh (and sometimes Harrisburg and Scranton) are the only areas where Democrats would have won any support.

  4. #3 Pressure will be TOTAL as polls get going after the Prez primaries start — i.e. to gerrymander rig the Prez election just like other gerrymander elections.

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