Is it Illegal for U.S. Residents to Suggest to Canadian Voters How Canadians Should Vote?

Since 1908, Canada has had a law prohibiting non-residents of Canada from “inducing” Canadian voters to vote for or against a candidate, during the Canadian campaign season. See this interesting analysis of the law on CBC News, which wonders if particular U.S. citizens (including Michael Moore) may have broken that law in recent years. “CBC” stands for “Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.”


Is it Illegal for U.S. Residents to Suggest to Canadian Voters How Canadians Should Vote? — No Comments

  1. Funny that doesn’t stop Canadian people like Justin Beber from telling us what to do and who to vote for infact the last time I saw him he was at the White House with the first lady promoting her agenda.

  2. Resume the American Revolutionary War and/or the War of 1812 ???

    Possible result — some more stars on the U.S.A. flag — the ex-Canada provinces ???

  3. Make that Michael Moore of “Fahrenheit 9/11” fame, not Roger Moore of “James Bond” fame.

  4. #3, thanks! I fixed it. I think I made that mistake because Michael Moore’s first famous movie was “Roger and Me”, as I recall.

  5. Would that we had such a law prohibiting multinational corporate “persons” from buyin…er, sorry…”inducing” votes for “corporate friendly” legislators in our elections here.

    But no…instead we have a USSC that thinks it’s peachy keen for corporations to purchase free speech in amounts sufficient to drown out the speech of flesh-covered persons, or to stifle it for free through ill-disguised threats against politicians perceived as their enemies.

  6. Having dual Canadian and United States Citizenship, caused me interest in the post. I was born in Los Angeles, CA. My mother was born in Montreal. The
    comment Demo Rep at post reply # 2, was of some interest.

    I do not see progress to additional “stars” until the
    ending of the Crows Nest Pass Agreement. Having family
    ties with Quebec Independence Movement, I look forward
    to the separation of Canada, with and Independent & Free

    With Quebec a free republic, the other areas of Canada
    can request admission to the United States under the
    terms of the Articles of Confederation. Remember that
    the remainder of the Territory of Michigan (like the
    remainder of the Territory of Hawai’i) are still incorporated territory of the United States. They are
    just not organized at present.

    Also it was in 1959 that W.A.C. “Wacky” Bennett (when the P. M. of British Columbia) that told Ike he wanted
    to annex the Plover Group (of four islands) North of Alaska to British Columbia. The Plover Group were annexed by the Royal Navy in 1850 in the name of Queen Victoria and was part of the territory transferred to Canada in 1880 by an Order in [Privy] Council.

    I had the honor of meeting “Wacky” on Vancouver Island
    over 50 years ago.

    Does that law have an effect on Michias Seal Island, which is part of the Western Seal Islands of Washington County, Maine?

    Richard Winger, I would like your comment on this question. Does the law have extraterriorial jurisdiction if the activities come from United States?

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Chairman, American Independent Party of California

  7. It should be also noted that according to an article in the Toronto’s THE GLOBE AND MAIL of April 13, 2012, entitled “On Constitutional Questions, it’s still Quebec vs. the rest of Canada”, by Rheal Seguin it shows
    that according to a study by LEGER MARKETING, 53.6 % of
    1,002 Quebeckers want indenpendence and an ended to the
    30 year control of the Quebec Province by the Canadian
    Federal Government.

    Therefore, with an independent Quebec Republic, the rest
    of Canada can come into the United States under the terms of the United States Articles of Confederation,
    just by an Executive Order of the President of the United States.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Chairman, American Independent Party of California

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