Atlantic Monthly Runs Article Suggesting Proportional Representation for the U.S.

The Atlantic Monthly has this article by Noah Gordon, which explains proportional representation and suggests that the United States would benefit from trying it out. Thanks to Green Party Watch for the link.


Atlantic Monthly Runs Article Suggesting Proportional Representation for the U.S. — 8 Comments

  1. NO P.R. and Majority Rule


    Minority Rule and Civil WAR II —
    Civil WAR I in 1861-1865 was due to the minority rule gerrymanders in 1860 — i.e. NO compromise to peacefully end slavery.

  2. If we had proportional representation in the United States Congress, for example, who is going to decide who will represent the party that received sufficient popular votes to be entitled to 10 votes in congress, when it had 30 candidates running?

    Party bosses?

  3. Alabama, The answer might be that the party would need a certain level of internal democracy and they might hold their own elections for placement on a list? Here in New York at present, party bosses decide who gets to run in all races, even those where voctory is assured.

  4. HI
    Its easy you do a party list system like they do elsewhere e.g. the candidates per party are put in order of thier parties preference before voting therefore if one person gets elected it will be the first name on the list and then second and so on and so fortj. Its not hard to do as they do.

  5. Not so sure the voters would understand how it would work. Let’s just get the ballot position first, then we can educate the voters on the benefit of proportional voting.

    Most voters are not familiar with seeing a 3rd party or Independent candidate on the ballot. Let’em get use to seeing someone besides a Democrat or Republican on the ballot, then we’ll start having lessons in Proportional Representation.

  6. Ballot access ONLY by nominating petitions.

    Hack party bosses can go to Hell and visit divine right of kings.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.
    Candidates would rank order the other legislative candidates BEFORE the election — public lists.

  7. Just becuase people are stupid doesnt mean you shouldnt have it in the US or the UK for that matter. Its simple on the party list system you vote for a party who has ranked their own candidates in order. If the reps win two seats thier first two get seats and if the dems get one seat the first one on the list gets the seat. The only problems come from not voting for your local candidate as its regional and also if a party does very well what happens if a person elected dies or resigns e.i. do you chose the next person on the same parties list? does that party hold an internal ballot? etc etc

  8. Still seems like people whose name begin with an “A” or a “B” or a “C” would always come out on top of the people who names begin with a “L” or an “M” or an “O.”

    Don’t see how that would be fair.

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