U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit, Rules 2-1 that Federal Postcard Registration Forms Not Instruct Voters in Any State to Attach Proof of Citizenship

On September 9, the U.S. Court of Appeals voted 2-1 that the federal voter registration form used in all states avoid telling applicants that they must attach documents proving they are citizens. Until this order came down, the form said that applicants in Kansas, Alabama, and Georgia must attach copies of documents such as naturalization papers or proof of birth in the U.S. The case is League of Women Voters v Newby, 16-5196.

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission is responsible for the federal voter registration form. The director, who is associated with Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, early this year attached the special instructions for use in Kansas, Alabama, and Georgia, even though the commissioners had not directed him to do that. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.

The two judges in the majority are Judith W. Rogers, a Clinton appointee; and Stephen F. Williams, a Reagan appointee. The dissenting judge is A. Raymond Randolph, a Bush Sr. appointee.


U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit, Rules 2-1 that Federal Postcard Registration Forms Not Instruct Voters in Any State to Attach Proof of Citizenship — 16 Comments

  1. Fine. Lets just require US Passports to vote. That will kill two birds with one stone – voter ID and proof of citizenship. And don’t anybody give me any BS about it being a poll tax.

  2. Jeff –

    How about some evidence that there is an actual problem with noncitizen voting in our elections? And no BS, either. Analysis, numbers, percentages, web citations…something other than the kind of bigoted bullshit that Republicans sling to disguise their efforts to gerrymander at the registrar’s office.

    And an answer to this question, too, if you please…tell us why an illegal alien would take the risk of being identified and deported, along with his family, for the sake of casting just one vote among millions? Do you think illegal aliens are all stupid?

  3. Baroncarpia:

    I married a foreigner, and sponsored her son to come to the US. When he was 18, they herded everyone in his senior class into the auditorium, and asked them to register to vote. No one told them that they had to be citizens, so he signed up. When I found out, I had to take him to the city hall to have him deregistered. They asked my why I was doing that, and I had to explain to them that he was not yet a citizen. Knowing the composition of his high school class, I suspect that he was far from alone.

  4. OK, Here in West Virginia, a voter registration card is considered a primary form of ID. But, all one needs to get one is to fill out a mail-in “post card” voter application, check the box attesting that they are a US citizen, and have a deliverable postal address (friend, relative, el Chapo jefe). Of course, anybody here illegaly has already committed one crime, so lying on a government document committing a second is no big deal. Since voter ID has been branded an atrocity by the left, illegals have nothing to worry about by showing up at the polls and voting for the candidate who will give them the most handouts. The kangaroo SCOTUS has ruled that they should be counted for representation, so why not: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/apr/4/supreme-court-illegals-count-apportionment/

  5. The Donkey communists win again (who LOVE having NON-citizens voting for Donkeys)

    — How many seconds until Civil W-A-R II starts ???

  6. Jeff –

    Some actual evidence please? Show us some evidence of “illegals”, as you call them, having gone to the polls in any significant numbers. Not maybes, not probablys, give us something measurable. Not the usual bigoted, paranoid right wing drivel.

  7. Donkey communists? Whoever wrote that must be a member of the basket of deplorables. Clinton underestimates the percantages. These are the ones that drag their knuckles when they walk. God help our country from massive ignorance.

  8. “Basket of deplorables”…will that be the phrase that people 100 years from now associate with the 2016 election?

    People who advocate in favor of government photo-ID for voters at the polls ought to also advocate that the government furnish such documents for free, and also furnish the underlying documents (like birth certificates and marriage certificates) for free as well.

  9. How many ILLEGAL invaders NOW in the U.S.A. (armed or unarmed) ??? — due to the accumulated ROT since 1776 ???

    Being a citizen means having ALLEGIANCE to a regime.

    ALLEGIANCE chain via fathers going back to 4 July 1776 and later naturalized folks (1776-1789 via State naturalization laws and after 1789 via USA naturalization laws).

    How good or bad are such ALLEGIANCE records ???

    *Modern* birth certificates generally do NOT show the NATION-STATE allegiance of the father or the child.

    The Donkey communists do NOT give a damn about having ANY allegiance to anything — except Donkey communism — esp. since 1929.

    Super EASY to be a Donkey communist with ALL of the income and assets of OTHER folks. See the book Animal Farm on the internet.

    How long has H.R. Clinton been a Donkey communist ??? — since about 1965 or earlier ??? See her Saul Alinsky machinations in her younger days.

    One major result of the Donkey communism since 1929 — the economic BANKRUPTCY of the USA — about $ 30 TRILLION in ALL govts debt in the USA and about $ 9 TRILLION in accumulated foreign debt (due to trade deficits – esp since the early 1980s).

    Thus the Trump ravings about the various foreign trade treaties.

    Thus — which MONSTER from Hell ??? — LEFT Clinton or RIGHT Trump will shoot off its EVIL mouth and have things REALLY happen ??? See 1773-1775 and 1859-1861 — lots of mouths shooting off before major action.

    Save Democracy.
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  10. If the federal government provided identification, they could require states accept it for federal elections. When someone moved to a a new residence, they could update their federal ID, and the US Government would inform the election authorities.

    This would also facilitate inclusion of citizens overseas in the census, as well permitting them to vote in person in embassies, consulates, and military bases.

  11. http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/09/politics/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-basket-of-deplorables/

    Perhaps BOTH Clinton and Trump should regret they were both born.
    Both of them allegedly regret that their EVIL comments get recorded for ALL to see and hear.

    The EVIL control freak stuff in their control freak brains (obey me or get purged) may (repeat may) produce Civil WAR II and/or World WAR III.

    Foreign KILLER regimes (i.e. Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran, etc. etc.) will have NO regret whatever in attacking the USA if Clinton or Trump become a Prez and shoot off their control freak mouths about such foreign regimes.

    I.E. too many New Age MORON *leaders* who did NOT personally see the Hell on Earth in World War II
    — and who have FLIPPANT 12 year old brains and mouths — such as Bush II and Obama.

    Do NOT vote for EVIL in Nov. 2016 — lesser or greater.

  12. Some states require that voters be mentally competent. Can they require proof of mental competence in order to register to vote? Judged by election results, I suspect this is a much larger problem than non-citizen voting.

  13. I recall reading some historical accounts including some about elections held in the 1790-1810 period that mentioned that some states (I specifically remember New York) allowed resident aliens to vote. Apparently back then they felt resident aliens had an “interest” in the nation so allowed them to vote.
    Just pointing out this historical fact – personally, I think only citizens should have the vote.

  14. Would that as much indignant feeling about preserving the democratic process would be engendered by a recognition that tallying of votes by electronic machines, the programming of which is unaudited, is more ripe for foul play than is the casting of illegal votes by noncitizens.

    Or that in most instances, voter-ID laws are another example of cookie-cutter “model legislation” crafted by the oligarchic American Legislative Executive Council, with the documented purpose of gerrymandering at registrars’ offices.

    Where is the righteous hue and cry against those assaults on our democratic process?

  15. Gene — Were male resident aliens undergoing the naturalization process allowed to vote in many Western Territories/States up to World War I ??? —

    i.e. to encourage them to populate such Territories/States.

    Being an Elector is SERIOUS life or death business
    — esp. NOW with various leader MONSTERS from Hell trying their EVIL worst to take over the world — i.e. the Islam KILLER BARBARIANS, the Russia gangsters, the China gangsters, etc.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

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