
News Stories On Whether Evan McMullin Will Try to Build a New Political Party Next Year — 17 Comments

  1. I think that McMullin is a stealth stand-in for Mitt Romney. If McMullin carries Utah, and if no candidate has 270 electoral votes, McMullin will propose to Trump that they both withdraw and release their electors to vote for Romney as a compromise candidate. If Trump refuses, McMullin will still release his own electors, who will then vote for Romney. Romney, as the 3rd highest electoral vote getter will them be in contention in the House of Representatives, where many Republican representatives may decide to vote for him rather than Trump.

  2. “What key issue or policy would be the foundation upon which McMullin would build a new party?”

    The golden plates would be the foundation.

  3. Do you want a new political party? The 10th USA Parliament may be for you. We sustain many people from many political parties who are interested in seeing a unifying voting system which provides fertile ground for embryonic political parties under pure proportional representation.

    The Environmentalist, Boston Tea, Independent, Anarchist, Pink Parties and more.

    The 10th USA Parliament has been using pure proportional representation for more than 21 consective years and it works fine.

    Nobody has it as good as the 10th USA Parliament.

  4. McMuffin might be a stand in for Romney, but I can’t see Romney and Trump working together if no candidate gets an EC majority.

    I had this thought though: If it goes to the House between Hillary, Trump and McMuffin, McMuffin could be a strong candidate given his connections with Republicans in the House. By contrast, Trump is detested by many of those same individuals. Trump, knowing that, might, in turn, tell 7 of his electors to vote for Johnson. There aren’t any Libertarian congressmen. If the House choice is Hillary, Trump, and Johnson, the House Republicans might think they have no choice other than to vote for Trump.

  5. If McMullen has any integrity at all he’ll join the American Solidarity Party, which is already getting established and taking off like wildfire.

  6. TomP,

    I don’t understand your scenario. Why would Congressmen vote for Trump because Gary Johnson was now a 4th option? If they would vote for McMullin without Johnson, they would vote for McMullin with Johnson.

  7. The House can only consider the Top 3 electoral vote recipients. By Trump giving Johnson 7,that would place Johnson above McMullin with his 6.

  8. What Stephen said. I should clarify, that my thought was based on the assumption that McMuffin gets only 6 EVs from Utah, so it would take 7 to overtake him.

    The contrary argument to the scenario I laid out is that Johnson has a more legitimate claim to the presidency than McMuffin, because of his presence on 50 state ballots, and the fact that he is likely to get many times the number of votes of McMuffin. That could sway some members of Congress. This is all highly hypothetical since it’s likely that Hillary will have an EV majority on election night.

  9. Here’s another hypothetical situation. Let’s suppose that McMullen has deadlocked the electoral college by carrying Utah. But, let’s suppose as well that Johnson has carried New Mexico, PLUS one district elector from Maine. Now, they both have 6 electoral votes, and are tied for third place. Do they both get considered by the House for election? The 12th Amendment says: “and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President.”

  10. One would think if Trump wanted to game a 3rd-place finisher in a no-majority scenario he would pick someone tempting to split the Democrats, like Sanders. Tulsi Gabbard is still half of Hawaii’s house delegation after all.

  11. Lots of the above folks should be writing the nonstop conspiracy stories on the ABC TV show Designated Survivor.

    The Donkey/Elephant gerrymander robot party HACKS in ALL States and in the gerrymander Congress WILL BE smashing ALL third parties and independents by ALL possible means in 2017-2022 — to justify the current minority rule systems before they get much, much worse.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  12. Demo Rep… you consistently bitch about stuff, but what are you actually doing to implement what you think is the solution? Sitting on your ass behind a computer screen isn’t accomplishing anything.

  13. @Fred:

    You have a good point. If McMullen actually wins Utah, and the electoral college is deadlocked, there could be electoral gaming by both Trump and Clinton. Trump could release 7 electors for Sanders, but then, if Clinton got wind of it, she could release 8 electors to vote for, say, Rubio or Rand Paul.

  14. I don’t think that releasing electors for Sanders really accomplishes anything. In the current house, the Dems control only 14 state delegations. Twelfth amendment voting is by state delegation. Hillary would already be toast in a 12th amendment scenario, so there is no need to further divide her vote.

    Having read your comment, I could see Hillary trying to get some of her electors to vote for McMuffin, in an effort to keep the House deadlocked on the choice (the idea being that he would split the Republican House vote), if the Democrats took the Senate. Under the 12th amendment, the Senate picks the VP from the top two EV finishers. If the House can’t pick by Inauguration day, the VP-elect becomes acting President. Hillary could exert a lot of influence under a Kaine acting presidency.

  15. A.M. — give me about $$$ 100 TRILLION and there might be a chance to END the rule of the minority rule oligarchs in the USA and elsewhere.

    Gerrymander robot party HACKS are now more entrenched than Divine right of kings ever was — due to the brain dead *AREA FIXATION* for representation in legislative bodies — compounded by the love for all powerful monarchy leaders (i.e. Prezs) in the super brain dead know-it-all MORON media (since the gerrymander HACKS are now soooooo UN-representative).

    Will the USA get the TOTAL Stone Age monarchy treatment when Clinton takes office (ALL sorts of DICTATOR executive orders from her EVIL statist control freak brain) — instant Civil WAR II ??? Stay tuned.

    History notes – it took about 2000 years from 500 BC to 1500 AD to get attacks on monarchy going with some minor success — i.e.the idea of separation of powers.

    See the 1600s in England — nonstop chaos from 1603 to 1689.

    The U.S.A. is NOT a civilized regime but a LATE DARK AGE monarchy-oligarchy due to the various gerrymander systems from Hell – Federal, State and Local. The names of the HACKS change BUT the EVIL *system* continues.

    Monarchs and oligarchs almost NEVER give up their EVIL minority rule power without a MAJOR struggle.

    The general population is now more STUPID than ever about politics and economics due to the nonstop JUNK media – radio, TV and now the internet. — esp. NET TAX getters vs. TAX SLAVES.

    A MASSIVE nonstop education effort will be needed.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

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