New York Bill to Deprive Independence Party of its Name

New York State Senators James Skoufis and Allesandra Biaggi are about to introduce a bill that makes it illegal for any qualified party to be named “Independent Party” or “Independence Party.” See this story. Both are Democrats. In 2018, the Independence Party nominated Senator Skoufis’ Republican opponent, and it nominated another Democrat to run against newly-elected Senator Biaggi.

The Independence Party has been ballot-qualified in New York starting in 1994. It seems probable that courts would find First Amendment protection for the party, if the bill were to pass.


New York Bill to Deprive Independence Party of its Name — 13 Comments

  1. how soon before the NY TYRANTS have a ONE party name regime —


  2. What reasons do they have for doing this? They banned “American” as a political name because of the communist dominated American Labor Party. Governor Wallace had to run as the Courage Party candidate in New York.

  3. Tyrants do NOT need *reasons* for anything they do.

    MAJOR statist TYRANNY stuff infected the USA in 1914-1918 — WW I.

    GOT worse in 1929-1941 – Great Depression I.

    ZERO learned from Stalin-Hitler regimes.

    Has gotten lots worse since the 1992 election — end of WW II generation.

    Got even worse since 2006-2012 Great Depression II.

    Too many EVIL RED communist control freaks to count.

    PR and AppV

  4. Andrew Cuomo has been the nominee of the Independence Party the last three elections, and it is the votes cast for him on their line that is the basis for their qualification. He could have refused the nomination.

    New York should eliminate party nomination and con-fusion. Enrollment information should be destroyed. Individual candidates would qualify by demonstrating support of 0.1% of the last gubernatorial vote (around 6000 voters). Election could be by Top 2, or Open Primary with a runoff if necessary.

  5. The United Coalition USA is 100% in agreement for the Independence Party to be ballot qualified in New York, variations of the name in other states and within the Libertarian Party.

    The United Coalition USA is helping create a bridge between men of all parties and independents and Heather Horst [Libertarian] is one of our top prospects with whom us men as voters will do all the heavy lifting and elect a Vice President. We are not limited to any one person or party until the paper ballots for the PPR Electoral College are counted on Earth Day 2020 in Central California.

    Sign up today and be a PPR Elector in your own state with our team.

  6. ex post facto = NO retro CRIMINAL machinations.

    ONE more reform — NO retro CIVIL machinations – esp. tax increases, etc.

  7. They should repeal the ban on using American and the other terms. And keep fusion.

  8. @Jim Riley:
    Wouldn’t ex post facto still apply since the party already has “Independence” in its name? Seems like it ought to.

  9. Too much *confusion* with a —

    Declaration of Independence Party ???

    How many 2019 Donkey/Elephant gerrymander HACK TYRANTS ???

    — trying to stop any ANTI-statism stuff ???

  10. I think they should not have let the party originally use the name Independence, as the commonly used term for “Blanks” in NY is “independents.” And even party officials admit that a number of Indepemce Party members think they are independent voters.

    There are provisions to prevent the use of confusion names.

    I think it is harder to argue to that they must change their name.

    Oh, since it came up, fusion should be eliminated. It just leads to all sort of corruption.

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