
Congressional Bill for Puerto Rico Statehood — 8 Comments

  1. Independence would be better, but if the US is going to continue to occupy PR it should be a state and not a colony.

  2. It is a bad precedent to base statehood on a plebiscate that was boycotted by many.

    Better to have an election that asks (1) should Puerto Rico become a State?, and require a 60% quorum and 60% super-majority. Voters would also choose delegates to a constitutional convention that would draft a state constitution. If that constitution was approved by voters, it would be submitted to Congress.

  3. If I lived in Puerto Rico, I’d be advocating for independence in light of how horribly they’ve been mistreated by the US government since the disaster that befell them a couple of years ago.

  4. Puerto Rico should seek status as an Associated State, like Micronesia, Marshall Islands, and Palau. Residents of Puerto Rico would not lose their US citizenship, and it could be inherited by those who elect to keep it. In this way, Puerto Rico would be technically independent, like other associated states, but still have access to the US, loss of which seems to be an objection given by those who oppose independence.

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