Michael Bloomberg Favors Statehood for Puerto Rico

On January 27, Michael Bloomberg announced his support for statehood for Puerto Rico. The only other mainstream Democratic presidential candidates who have that position are Andrew Yang and John Delaney.

The bill in the U.S. House to admit Puerto Rico as a state, HR 1965, has 21 co-sponsors. It has not gained any co-sponsors since August 2019.


Michael Bloomberg Favors Statehood for Puerto Rico — 7 Comments

  1. ZERO chance in ELephant USA gerrymander Senate.

    Merge with Euro colony islands in Carib Sea —


  2. IMO, associated statehood, like Micronesia, would be a better option for Puerto Rico, provided that those Puerto Ricans who wanted to keep their US citizenship could do so. Then, Puerto Rico would be technically independent, like Micronesia, but use US currency, US military, and have free trade with the US, and those Puerto Ricans who kept US citizenship would be free to travel to the US>

  3. Sounds reasonable, if they can’t have full independence they should at least not be a colony. But Bloomberg is wrong on too many other things for this to matter. I don’t really see him getting the Democratic nomination or running as an independent at this point. So he won’t be on the November ballot, but his plan to spend a lot of money to defeat Trump is the one part of his campaign that’s significant.

  4. Defeating Trump will make no positive difference if the new President is a rotten Democrat.

  5. I said it’s significant. Whether you think it’s positive or not is a separate question.

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