Alabama Libertarian Party Appeals Lawsuit on Access to List of Registered Voters

On September 4, the Alabama Libertarian Party filed notice of appeal in Libertarian Party of Alabama v Merrill, 20/13356. This is the case over the Alabama law that says qualified parties get a free list of the registered voters, but unqualified parties that are attempting to petition must pay $36,000 for the list.

The U.S. District Court upheld that law last month, despite the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court summarily affirmed a decision in 1970 on precisely this issue, Socialist Workers Party v Rockefeller, 400 US 806. In that case, the Socialist Workers Party and Socialist Labor Party had both petitioned for Mayor of New York city in 1969, and both petitions were rejected. In preparation for their statewide New York petitions in 1970, both parties filed a lawsuit to obtain access to the New York voters list, so as to help them check their own petitions and be more likely to succeed. They won the case in June 1970, and a few months later the U.S. Supreme Court summarily affirmed it.

The state of Alabama tried to argue that the Socialist Workers and Socialist Labor Parties were ballot-qualified when they won their case, but that is not true. In 1970 the New York petitioning period ran from August through early October, after the parties had won their case.

The U.S. District Court Alabama decision mentioned the New York precedent, but said it was not precisely the same issue. But the judge did not say why it wasn’t the same issue, and it is precisely the same issue. All other precedents on this issue since then, in lower courts, have resulted in wins for the plaintiff candidate or party.


Alabama Libertarian Party Appeals Lawsuit on Access to List of Registered Voters — 5 Comments

    By James Ogle [One] for US President or Vice President and Elector

    Our team is making progress against the one-party voting system within the Libertarian Party.

    Libertarians are in violation of Libertarian Party bylaws Section 2, Purposes 2, and I am notifying all those in violation.

    We are conducting a “vote of confidence” for everyone in the Libertarian Party who brought a one-party voting system to Libertarian Party in 2020 because that’s against Purpose 2 winning elections, starting with the Los Angeles County Mini-state.

    No one in America wants a one-party system, one-party insider elections bring dictatorship psychology to control and block out new people, new ideas and that is unacceptable and violates the purpose to win because America is a melting pot and that will never win in a two-party system.

    All Libertarian Party members in California and across the USA may try to affiliate by voting now on paper ballot.

    Join the majority coalition by approving the new guidelines for Los Angeles County Mini-state in a vote of confidence.

    The first half are Mini-state guidelines and second half on ballot are Los Angeles County L.P. guidelines from 2019.

    Rank items from each set so to eliminate the one-party voting system within the Los Angeles County L.P.;

    If you are in California and dues-payer or not, you may vote now on paper ballot.

    Please feel free contact James Ogle, volunteer vote counter.
    (831) 236-3825

    The cycles might take about two weeks to 30 days for votes of confidence. The Los Angeles County Mini-state and Los Angeles County Mini-state Zoom Show are leading the way for pure proportional representation in 2020.

  2. The LP party bosses use the one-party voting system, unfair tactics which exclude new ideas and new people from the table, and then they use censorship to protect the insider bosses from the simple majority.

    Please feel free to try and defend the L.P.’s one-party system in the court of public opinion.

    There are alternatives to the one-party voting system where teamwork works to uplift everyone simultaneously.

  3. LPA attorney, David, and LPA rock. As an Alabama Libertarian, I have suffered by being forced to purchase voter rolls while my opponents get their rolls for free, thereby unfairly generating a considerable expense to my campaign budget.

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