New York Bill to Move Presidential Primary to Late June

New York State Senator James Skoufis (D-Cornwall) has introduced S 1819, which would move the presidential primary to the fourth Tuesday in June. That is the same date as the primary for non-presidential office. The 2020 New York presidential primaries were also held in late June, but that was considered a temporary situation, because of the health crisis. The statute says the primary should be in February. Thanks to FrontloadingHQ for this news.


New York Bill to Move Presidential Primary to Late June — 26 Comments

  1. Do you ever get tired of the pet eating jokes? They’re becoming as shopworn as demo reps comments.

  2. That may or may not be true. It was either made by Cody Quirk or Nathan Norman. The one at 11:44 was made by Nathan Norman, aka William Saturn.

  3. Dear Mr. or Ms. Retard,

    Demo rep is not going to get a new hobby. He’s not about to be involuntary committed, and Mr. Winger is not about to ban him. He will continue posting the same types of comments he always has. You could ignore him, but you won’t. I doubt you’ll answer, but if you do care to answer, why not? Similarly I could choose to ignore you, and usually I do. I could also make this comment every time you make yours, but that would be as boring as your comments and demo reps.

  4. George, by now you know nom pets is his shorthand for nominating petitions. The pet eating jokes were funny for a minute. They no longer are.

  5. The joke is also in poor taste considering at least one of the commenters here is accused of actually killing and eating a pet.

  6. I’ve actually seen at least two commenters here accused of it, Mr. Frankel/Cannoli and Mr. Jacobs/Gonzalez. Perhaps Mr. Norman/Saturn or someone else can help us get to the bottom of what really happened there.

  7. Demo Rep never puts periods, so I assume he means nom pets, as in eating them. It’s not funny at all it’s creepy.

  8. For the several USELESS BAN troll morons-

    nom pets = nominating petitions

    See old English case dockets — lots of abbs.
    ANY moron troll capable of doing the minority rule gerrymander math in his/her/its State — AND informing the math moron media ???

  9. I don’t know why this fool above keeps attaching me to the name Gonzalez, when I have not connection to that name.

    Is the person above also claiming that Nathan Norman and William Saturn are the same person?

  10. Andy; several people said your name is Gonzalez and I think I also saw Jacobs somewhere. I honestly wasn’t sure which one it was. Likewise Frankel/Cannoli. And yes, Nathan Norman is behind the William Saturn character and fact checker, etc. I’m not going to tell you how I know but that one is with a very high degree of certainty.

    Demo rep: the reason abbreviations were so common in old law books is the difficulty and expense of writing with a quill dipped in old fashioned ink. Even later, the old hand typesetting process was time consuming and laborious, and thus expensive when you had to hire people to do it. The law books and records were for a limited audience which understood the common abbreviations of the trade. This isn’t the same situation since it’s very easy to add more letters on your computer or phone keyboard. And the audience is composed of many people most of whom are not familiar with your abbreviations nor likely to be reading the few times you bother to explain them.

    Probably only a very small percentage of the readership reads comments on enough articles to catch you in those moments. Thus for most people what you write makes no sense. That’s not their fault for not knowing your abbreviations, it’s yours for using abbreviations most of the audience is not likely to be familiar with. It’s likely you don’t care since the purpose of your comments seems to be to make yourself feel smarter than others. Anyone, including you, is capable of informing the media of whatever you want. Making them care is a different question. Have you tried informing the media? Have much luck with that?




  12. People on this site keep bringing up my name and impersonating. I have a pretty good idea of who is doing it and why. If this person is who I think he is, he should know I have no control over who is or is not allowed to comment at IPR. Austin Cassidy is the owner. If I owned the site I would put no restrictions on comments other than for impersonation and illegal things. But I have no say over that.

    If I am wrong about who I think this is and someone else has a problem with me, then that person can send me an email at and we can discuss the matter.

  13. William, I don’t have any problem with you and I didn’t say you were impersonating anyone. You have admitted in the past that William Saturn is not your real name. I believe you are also Nathan Norman which may or may not be a real name. Norman has some Wikipedia and imdb references which indicate he is real but even if that name is real that does not necessarily mean that the person claiming to be Nathan Norman on these boards is him. Norman plays a wide variety of characters such as fact checker, Egyptian god, etc. I believe he and you are the same person in the real world, although William Saturn is a separate personality online. I am not going to email you or anyone else about it. I’m not worried about whether I’m allowed or not to comment in a forum which is less active than this one. For some strange reason a few people here are very concerned with that but looking at that site I have no idea as to why.

  14. I’ve previously been accused on this site of being Andy, paulie, and an Israeli supercomputer. We now can add Nathan Norman to the list.

    My real life identity is my business. It would be a name unfamiliar to everyone on this site and IPR. My identity as William Saturn, the only part of me relevant to anyone interested here, is in the 14 years of activity across the web under that name. There’s much there for anyone interested to examine and analyze.

  15. William.
    So for 14 years you have got away with a false online presence.
    Nobody has claimed to have met you or talked with you on some identifiable platform like Zoom
    There are no photographs of you online.
    So who in Hell are you? What is your agenda?
    You definitely have something to do with Israel.
    Because the Mossad would have attacked you by now if you did not.
    BTW I do not trust Israel as far as I can spit.

  16. William, if William Saturn is not your real name, who is the William Saturn found in online people search databases in Texas, I think is was in or around Corpus Christi, named William Saturn? Is that you, or somebody else? If that is you, how did you end up in a people search under a fake name?

    I actually like reading your post, and you have always conducted yourself well as far as I know, but your identity, or lack thereof, is mysterious.

  17. While we are trying to figure out who or what William S. Saturn is, has anyone heard any news about the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting case?
    I am looking forward to defeating the U.S. attorney.
    They have had over two years to squeeze a plea bargain out of Bowers.
    I wrote him and advised him to not plea bargain.
    To listen to my counsel.

  18. And when are we going to exhume the grave of Nancy McCusker Benson, PhD. In Boulder, CO?
    I say her dead body is not there.
    I say she is not dead.
    Reportedly she had cancer for a year.
    Then died in 2012.
    Reportedly nice funeral, burial. The works.
    My ex girlfriend, she was 4 years older than me.
    That would make her 72.
    Married when I knew her back in the 1970’s.
    So where has this elderly woman been since 2012?

  19. Ok. Here is one for the conspiracy theorists.
    I went out my back door. Immediate smell of gasoline.
    There is a red pickup with a plow on front parked behind my house. No license plates.
    So I text my landlord. Minutes later I see him in his black pickup cruising the park which he does.
    I flag him down. Did you get my text? Well there is this pickup behind my house reeks of gas.
    He checks it out. Goes to my new neighbor across the street. He has two pickups, one with a plow. So I go back in my house(it is cold and snowing)
    I hear nothing. Eventually fall asleep. Wake up. Pickup gone.

  20. I would like to update.
    I reported this red pickup to my landlord. I watched him check it out.
    I did not-yet- report this to the police.
    I still have not heard from anyone about it.
    However the red pickup is now parked on the dead end street more distant from houses.
    Possibly illegally because it still does not have plates.
    It does have inspection stickers on windshield from Pennsylvania.
    I do not smell gasoline anymore.

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