New York Libertarian Party Asks New Governor to Support Efforts to Restore the Former Definition of a Qualified Party

On August 25, the New York Libertarian Party asked new Governor Kathy Hochul to support changing the definition of a qualified political party back to what it was before 2020. Here is the press release.


New York Libertarian Party Asks New Governor to Support Efforts to Restore the Former Definition of a Qualified Party — 10 Comments

  1. The new Gov of NY may be too busy counting dead bodies that King Andrew overlooked.

  2. These losers are living in dream world. There is no way that we will ever go back to those failed policies of the past. New Yorkers are ready to move boldly into the future led by women and progressive Democrats, without ever looking back. The people are ready, willing and able to embrace woke, politically correct, one party Democratic femocracy. Leave the libertarians, minor parties, Republicans, and patriarchal dinosaurs on the ash heap of history, where they belong.

  3. @Mr. Communitarian… I know troll but…. I’ll bite. You’re literally talking about a state that is losing a net of 200,000 people a year (and just lost a congressional seat)….. yeah, the people really are ready….. to leave the state. I used to go to university there….. didn’t finish, ain’t going back. Will find another school, in a different state, to finish my degree.

  4. Good riddance. New York is better off without dead weight losers like you. Do let the door hit you where Mother Gaia split you.

  5. Some people can make it in New York, others don’t have what it takes. Guess which one Aiden James is.

  6. ex-king Cuomo going to stay in NY or flee to Russia / China / Afghan land

    — to avoid all cases against him ???

  7. @Mr. Communitarian… Nope, just not willing to live in a totalitarian trash hole, where people literally piss on the street, and the homeless problem is fucking rampant because of shit egalitarian policy that don’t work and just drive more people onto the street. Unless Sharpe runs for Governor and wins NYC (and the state as a hole) will be bankrupt by the end of the decade. So I actually agree, good riddance, to the shit state that is New York.

    I’m also a business owner, filmmaker, and musician, and I won’t be stepping foot in New York to film a movie or TV show, or play a show. New York isn’t getting a dime from ever again; nor will I ship any of my merch to the state.

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