Georgia Files Notice of Appeal in Libertarian Ballot Access Case Concerning U.S. House Petitions

On September 17, the Secretary of State of Georgia filed a notice of appeal in Cowen v Raffensperger, the case over petition requirements for candidates for U.S. House who are not nominees of parties that got 20% of the vote in the last election for the office at the top of the ballot. The U.S. District Court had ruled the 5% petition unconstitutional, given that it has existed since 1943 and has never been used by a minor party candidate, and has not been used by an independent candidate since 1964.


Georgia Files Notice of Appeal in Libertarian Ballot Access Case Concerning U.S. House Petitions — 38 Comments

  1. Plurality (aka “first-past-the-post”) voting compels just about every state to be exclusionary about ballot access. Georgia is just an extreme case that just cannot let it go.

    Recent election outcomes for both President and Senate in Georgia should make it abundantly clearly that an alternative voting method, such as ranked choice or approval voting, would be an improvement for elections in that state, and minimize the need for restrictive ballot access.




  3. GA hangs on with 20 pct stuff due to SCOTUS hacks in 1970 Jenness junk opin. –

    one of about 15 SCOTUS JUNK ballot access opins.


  5. No need to worry about third-party “spoilage” if you use ranked-choice, or approval voting.

  6. Traditional =

    Genocide of American Indians
    NO women rights
    etc etc etc.
    Too many New Age trolls / morons / hacks to count.

  7. Exactly. We should be proud of all those traditions, bring them back, and pass them on to our children and grandchildren.

    New age trolls, morons and hacks are those who want to get rid of those ancient age old traditions which come from God and have served Him and His creation well thoroughout the age’s. These new age morons want to “progress” away from God’s will, rule, laws and traditions.

    They want to abandon tradition, family, faith, monarchy, patriarchy, White Supremacy, eclesiocracy, martial law, sharecropping, slavery, and all of that commandments of God and Jesus.

    They say they are “enlightened ” or even Illuminati. What they really mean is they are serving the fallen lightbringer angel Lucifer, in other words Satan. The light at the end of their tunnel is the fire of HELL!! Their”new age” is the age of Satan.

    WE must fight back, roll back their demonic luciferian enlightenment, and bring back God’s “dark” age of traditional values.






    The tried, true, and traditional.

    And yes, this includes in the area of Government, as well!!

  8. Larry From Florida:

    Blood and Soil mean shit.

    Faith is ignorant superstition.

    Family and Honor are important.

    You are correct on 2 out of 5.

  9. Andy: Satan is not real. Satan is a symbol of carnal reality in opposition to spiritual illusion.

  10. And you are basing this on faith.

    Much like you base your belief in Joe Biden and the Democratic Party on faith.

  11. Andy: Nonsense.

    I do not believe in Satan or God because I have seen no evidence that any supernatural beings exist.

    I like Joe Biden and the Democratic Party because I agree with them more so than other politicians or parties.

    Faith has nothing to do with any of those things.

  12. God and Satan are real, and the evidence is all around us, including in your own heart if you search your soul. Blood, soil, and faith are equally important with family, honor, and tradition. Without them we have nothing, and then Satan is in charge.

  13. Florida Man:

    Medical science has yet to discover a “God shaped hole” in any human heart throughout decades of looking at human hearts.

    Just like medical science has never found evidence for anything called a “soul”.

    Blood and Soil only have meaning for Neo-Nazis.

  14. That’s false. It had meaning long before the original nazis and still does today, including to real libertarians like Deist, Rockwell, Hoppe, Invictus, Ramsey, and CONSERVATIVES like me. Medical science is the wrong way to look for or at your soul, and it does not require or create a hole.

    Studying medical science to find your soul and faith makes even less sense than studying theology to learn surgery, which would also not make sense.

  15. Florida Man:

    You asked me to look into my heart. The only way to do that is through medical science. Either during X-ray or after an autopsy. If medical science cannot find something in our bodies, then it does not exist. There is no evidence for human souls or spirits. There is only the material body.

  16. You know as well as I do that what you just said is ridiculous sophistry and nonsense . Not even the most severe cases of assburger syndrome serious believe what you just said.

  17. Florida Man Larry:

    Yes I do believe what I just said. Millions of people agree with me. You and millions of others disagree with me and that’s OK.

  18. Nobody agrees with it, none even u. Nobody is so dense to believe that medical science has at this very moment found everything there is , or is even capable in principle to find the soul and spirit.

    Faith and science are two entirely separate realms, and while I am not an expert in either one. I am an expert in talking to a lot of folks around here as part of family. Church, job as a rural area county sheriff’s deputy and so forth. That includes scientists, medical doctors, nurses, professors, preachers, theologians, medical research professionals, even county inmates volunteering for medical research trials.

    You name it, I’ve talked to them, many times. No one is stupid enough to think that the heart being referred to in “search your heart ” is the physical heart organ in your body. We only call it that because that was what people thought 500 or 1000 years ago. You don’t seem like you would be so dumb that you need that explained to you like a little kid?

    You seem to me like a smart fellow who is being deliberately obstinate and obtuse to deny the gnawing pain of conscience and convince yourself and others that Jesus is not speaking to your heart ( no not the blood pumping organ) when you and I both know He is.

  19. FML:

    Reason has led me to disbelieve in the supernatural. I have never seen any evidence that anything other than the material universe exists.

    I have no gnawing pain of conscience. I am very happy and content.

    Jesus is similar to King Arthur. An amalgam of several historical figures with a lot of myth added over the years. Those real individuals that were used as a foundation for the Jesus Myth have long ago turned to dust. There is no one speaking to anyone in any sense from any supposed spiritual place.

  20. Getting back to the topic at hand; Georgia seems especially nasty to serious third party candidates.

  21. Robert, you are contradicted yourself. You claim there is no God, Jesus, spirit or soul, because they have not been proven by medical research. Yet you seem to speak of conscience as a real world phenomenon, or is that a misinterpretation of your views? Has the existence of a conscience been proven by medical research? Can you point to the hole in your head, heart, lungs, or any other part of your body where your conscience is?

    What about art, beauty, love, etc? Are they proven to exist by medical research? What organs do they create holes in?

  22. FML:

    I agree with you on that point. An Independent candidate representing no party has a better chance of being elected than any third party candidate.

  23. Conscience is just a way to describe the reasoning process. It exists inside our brains. And consists of chemical reactions. Similarly, Art, Beauty, and Love come from the chemical reactions in the brain. And yes, all of this has been proven by medical research.

    I have heard innumerable Christians say that each of us have a God shaped hole in our hearts. That is why I used that phrase. If you were not familiar with it, then I apologize. I thought most Christians knew the phrase.

  24. I didn’t make any such point, although it’s probably true. At this point, I don’t see the wisdom or necessity , of allowing any candidates who are not loyal Trump Republicans on any ballots.

  25. The God shaped hole in your heart isn’t a literal physical hole in your blood pumping organ. It may be chemical reactions in your brain, or those chemical reactions may be physical manifestations of something on the more fundamental spiritual level. You claim medical research hasn’t found a spiritual level , but it certainly hasn’t disproved it, either. Maybe it will in the future, or maybe it’s something that’s fundamentally besides the scope of medical research by its nature.

    Each of us, including you, have that metaphorical hole in our metaphorical hearts. You just said, maybe on another comment string, that you believe something with all your heart. That shows the deliberate sophistry of your comments about hearts and medical research above.

  26. Florida Man: If medical science, or any type of science, finds evidence of souls or spirits then I will change my mind. As of right now no evidence exists.

  27. Florida Man: Sophistry my ass. This is what I honestly think. And I am trying to express myself as well as I can.

  28. You are going around in circles on two different comment strings. Reading both if them should be enough to reveal the games you play. It would be better if I had a saved reference for when you have admitted to enjoying and provoking reactions, in tandem to what both of us have said on these two strings, but I won’t go through dozens of strings of comments to find it.

    I’ll post a link here to the other string in question though.

  29. I don’t think I have heard anything as ignorant as some of the comments on this thread, even in the worst corners of the internet

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