Congressman Madison Cawthorn Wins Federal Lawsuit to Stop Challenge to His Ballot Position

On March 4, U.S. District Court Judge Richard E. Myers, a Trump appointee, ruled from the bench at the close of the hearing in Cawthorn v Circosta, e.d., 5:22cv-50. He enjoined North Carolina election officials from permitting a challenge to the ballot access of Congressman Madison Cawthorn on the grounds that the Fourteenth Amendment, section three, bars congressional candidates who engaged in insurrection after having taken an oath to the Constitution. The judge said that when Congress passed the Amnesty Act in 1872, that suspended that part of the Constitution. That point is legally contested; the other side says the 1872 Amnesty Act just applied to the Confederate officials for their actions in the civil war.

The written opinion will be posted here when it is available.


Congressman Madison Cawthorn Wins Federal Lawsuit to Stop Challenge to His Ballot Position — 92 Comments

  1. Thankfully Scrotal Fagfly is not a lawyer and his legal opinion doesn’t matter.

  2. Joey: I am not SocraticGadfly. I NEVER use pseudonyms. I do not hide my identity.

    My phone number is 405 962 9528 My home address is 2001 S. Country Club Rd #602 El Reno Oklahoma 73036. I work at the Motel 6 in El Reno Oklahoma from 11PM to 7AM. I have nothing to hide.

  3. I have never received a prank call at my home number. If something is on YouTube then please post the link. I would love to see it.

  4. None of those calls were to me. Where are the YouTube prank calls you say that I received?

  5. Stock has admitted to being a Satanic Racist. Possibly the only thing he hasn’t lied about,

  6. Phil: I am a member of the Church of Satan. And I think that no White person should be elected to government office for the next 50 years. So what?

  7. I think it’s hilarious when Stock calls others racist when he in fact is the true racist around here. He also has admitted voting for white people so maybe he’s just a hypocrite?

  8. Frank: I have voted for White people when a person of color was not on the ballot. And that situation will most likely happen again. However, if I have a choice. then I will always vote for a person of color. No hypocrisy there.

  9. None of those calls were to me. Where are the prank calls on YouTube you say that I received?

  10. Stock doesn’t vote for a person on merit or ideas or beliefs, just skin color. That’s clear racism. People like him should not be allowed to vote. His low IQ alone should disqualify him.

  11. Uncle Bill: William F Buckley said he would rather be governed by the first 2,000 people listed in the telephone directory than the faculty of Harvard University.

    In like manner I would rather vote for any randim person of color than the White Capitalists that run our government today. A random person of color couldn’t possibly do a worse job and most likely be much more reasonable, empathetic,and trustworthy than the Caucasian bozos currently in government office.

  12. Look at how horrible Obama was and what a liar he was and still is. Look at the commies elected, some of them black. They have done horrible jobs. Stock also just admitted he is a communist, after trying to sidestep it all these years. This is why you are rightly ridiculed.

  13. Patrick: I am not being ridiculed. You and your ilk are being exposed as White Supremacist, Fascist, Christian Taliban. Please keep the hate going so the vast majority of Americans can clearly see just who you Trump supporters are.

  14. Stock is going off the deep end. He’s calling people who don’t judge based in skin color white supremacists? Ever hear of a dictionary? You might try using it once in a while, you pathetic racist communist.
    What does Trump have to do with this. You commies are so obsessed with the man.

    I am so glad I am not Stock. I wouldn’t never want to be a lazy, racist, communist, trolling loser retard who frequently soils themselves.

  15. Patrick: Obama was a good President. There are only a handful of Socialists elected. I hope there will be many more.

    My thinking radically changed during the past 10 years. It was a slow process that began during the debate about Obamacare. I did not abandon Capitalism until last year.

    There was no sidestepping. My position wasn’t clear in my mind until Spring of 2020. So that overnight change was 8 years of thinking about what are Rights and what is the proper Role of Government.

  16. Good? Are you fucking kidding me? Out of control spending, forcing people to by healthcare and more government involvement which ended up driving up prices, scandal after scandal which the media refused to investigate, wars, devaluation of the dollar, I could go on and on.

    Most Democrats are socialists and communists. You really think the proper role of government is to run everything and we end up owning nothing and standing in bread lines? Are you that fucking stupid, or just a masochist. Is it true you were fired for watching scat porn at work? I read that somewhere.

    Stock is a sick twisted stupid individual. A perfect tool for the Great Reset Schwab and others are slowly implementing.

  17. Patrick: Trump has everything to do with this because you don’t hear people who voted for the presidential candidates of the Democratic, Green, Libertarian, or orher 3rd parties weigh in like you do. It is only Trump supporters who get their panties in a twist about my comments.

  18. YOU are the liar, you racist scum. I don’t judge people by skin color. Do you know me? You flat out admitted you are a racist and yes I will continue pointing that out. In fact, I’ll put that as the name so more people know.

  19. The libertarians have chimed in about your stupidity, you racist scum. Greens are commies too so why would they comment negatively?

  20. Patrick: I have never been fired from the Motel 6.

    Socialism is more Democratic than Capitalism because the common people not only have a vote for government office, but have an equal say and equal share of the business they work in. The workers should own the means of production. The present owners of businesses, factory farms, and industry should have their property confiscated and redistributed.

  21. I am referring to dues paying members of the Libertarian Party who voted for Jorgensen for President. Not the Republican wannabes who falsely call themselves libertarian but voted for Trump and can’t even spell the word with a capitol L.

    Go ahead a call me a racist. I don’t mind.

  22. “Capitol” L? Stock doesn’t even know the right form of CAPITAL. No wonder he’s so stupid. He also has no clue what socialism is, or he’s trying to spin it to people. Socialism is one step from communism, where the government runs everything and you have nothing.

    Trump was more libertarian than Jorgensen. She supports the racist, anti family, Marxist, money laundering organization known as Black Lives Matter. How many homes does Patrisse Cullors own because of it? I lost count.

  23. Patrick: Thank you for the correction. It is an easy mistake to make about spelling Capitol and Capital. I will be more careful.

    And thank you for proving my point. Keep the hate coming please! Keep exposing who you and the other Trump supporters are.

  24. Patrick: Allow me to introduce myself, Robert K Stock Communist Agitator.

  25. Patrick: You have it backwards. Under Communism the workers tun everything and the government eventually withers away. Government doesn’t disappear overnight, but that is the goal.

    Fortunately we have historical examples to avoid. That is the purpose of Animal Farm and 1984. Orwell never lost faith in Socialism, but he showed what can happen if the focus shifts from the Workers. Don’t make the mistakes that lead to a cult of personality or replace the dictatorship of the workers with the dictatorship of one person or a small group of persons.

  26. Once again, Stock is trying to spin communism into something wonderful, when in reality people are poor and own nothing. Stock wants people to suffer?

    Stock either voted for Kanye West or Jade Simmons in 2020. Those were the two black candidates on the Oklahoma ballot, and Stock said he will vote for a black no matter what if they are on the ballot, regardless of position.

    Stock is such a hateful person if he thinks communism is wonderful.

    It’s not easy to get capital and capitol confused, unless you have the mind of a third grader or lower. Maybe that explains why Stock is who he is.

  27. I voted for Biden in 2020. I didn’t decide to vote for only people of color if possible until 2021

    Please keep the hate coming. Keep twisting your panties every time I comment. You are proving my point.

  28. Communism — MAX loot producers — who then mini produce.

    See consumption in 1917-1991 in ex-Russia/USSR —

    compounded by capital investments in junk pyramid projects and junk military stuff.

    Thus 2022 killer tyrant Putin — trying to loot Ukraine to death — esp taking over electric power systems and farms.

  29. az: Putin is not a Communist. He is trying to be the Czar of a new Russian Empire.

    Communism is not a franchise where each McDonald’s is exactly the same as every other one. Communism is different in each country due to history and culture.

    Fortunately, we can learn from the mistakes and tragedies of the past avoiding them today. American Communism will not be like the USSR, China, North Korea, or anywhere else. American Communism will be its own special thing.

  30. Stock is not as stupid as he pretends to be. He knows communists have implemented socialism in many different countries, and that every single time it was a dictatorship that never faded away into the impossible communist utopia where government magically disappears.

    This fairy tale has tricked billions of people into becoming slaves in dozens of countries and hundreds of millions of them were murdered, many by starvation. Millions more escaped with just their lives or died trying to escape. Millions more died in concentration camps, gulags and killing fields.

    Stock knows all this, and still pushes even more. This time they want to kill billions of people because the hundreds of millions they killed over the last 100 years is not enough for them. This is a conscious, knowing sacrifice to Satan.

    Stock claims that Satan is not really real. That’s actually the biggest lie the devil ever told, and he’s the father of all lies. Lying is something Satan and his followers like stock do all the time, and celebrate as part of their religion.

    Stock knows he is lying. We know he’s lying. He knows we know he’s lying. Yet he continues lying anyway, hoping someone reading will fall for his distortions and lies and help him bring about his sick fantasy of ritually sacrificing billions more human beings to Satan and enslaving everyone and everything alive in literal hell through communism, socialism, and its many guises such as environmentalism, “reverse” racism, lgbt/sodomy, feminism, abortion baby killing, drugs, secularism, demo(no)cracy, etc.

    God bless Madison Cawthorn and everyone else who is fighting to save us all from being ritually sacrificed to Satan and enslaved in hell forever. To hell with satan and to hell with all his lying communist evil demon enthralled followers spreading disgusting lies and trying to trick us out of our souls, Stock being one of many!

  31. Stock is a liar. Communism produces the exact same mass murdering, mass enslaving results in every country. This one would be no different, and he knows it.

  32. Putin is not a commie and he’s not trying to create a hereditary monarchy. He’s a principled conservative and ultra popular freely elected and reelected president who is making his country great again. Stock and az are lying about Putin, just like they keep lying about Trump, who is trying to do the same thing in this country and had the last election stolen from him. God bless Putin and God bless Trump! GOD DAMN ALL THE LYING SATANIST COMMIES LIKE STOCK!

  33. Stock’s racism is illogical. He wants to judge people by the color of their skin, not the content of their character. What about the growing numbers of nonwhite conservative Republicans, will stock boy be voting for them over white leftists? What if Herman Cain or Alan Keyes had won the Republican nomination? Would he vote for black Republicans like Tim Scott or JC Watts?

    Does stock consider all Hispanics to be nonwhite? How about for example Ted Cruz? Would stock vote for Cruz over a white liberal democrat?

    Does stock also extend his voting preferences to women? If a conservative woman runs against a liberal beta male which one does stock vote for? Or is genetalia not a consideration for stock, only race?

    How non-white does someone have to be to earn Stock’s vote? 1/4? 1/8? 1/16? Maybe 1/1024, like Elizabeth Warren?

    Why does Stock think the GOP is gaining electrically in heavily Hispanic south Texas, south Florida and most Hispanic majority areas of the country, along with the growing numbers of black conservatives and Republicans?

  34. Jose: I consider Hispanics to be people of color. Most are a mixture of Indian, African, and European. Almost no Hispanics are 100% pure Spanish or Portuguese.

    If White Americans enslaved, committed genocide, or went to war against your ancestors, then you are a person of color who needs reparations.

  35. Hmmm that leaves a lot of questions unanswered but here are some more anyway. How about Jews? Arabs? Persians? Armenians? India/Pakistanis/Bangladeshis? Afghans? Turks? How many are white or not white? How about answering my other questions which you haven’t answered while you’re at it?

  36. Jose: The GOP are making gains among Hispanics in those areas because some of them would like the opportunity to become exploiters of the working class just like the White Capitalists.

  37. Jose: It is very simple. If you are not welcome at a KKK meeting then you are a person of color.

  38. LOL OK. So you believe the working class is better off in places like Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela? Which socialist countries are the working class people better off in? Was the working class better off under Mao, Lenin, Stalin and Pol Pot? Maybe under the former dictators of Eastern Europe?

  39. “Jose: It is very simple. If you are not welcome at a KKK meeting then you are a person of color.”

    That’s a lot of people. Many of them are conservative Republicans. Would you vote for them over white liberals? Or maybe white liberals are also colored people in your opinion since they are also not welcome at KKK meetings?

    I’m thinking probably trannies are not very welcome at KKK meetings. Are white tranies therefore colored people/people of color?

  40. Jose: Ted Cruz is one of those few Hispanics who has no Indian or African ancestors. He is Spanish from his Cuban father and I don’t know which European ancestors are from his mother. It is all very simple.

  41. Sounds pretty complicated to me. You still have not answered who you vote vote for between a non-white conservative and a white liberal. How about between a conservative Republican woman and a liberal beta male?

  42. Jose: White Republicans are absolutely welcome at KKK meetings. I am surprised you haven’t run into a lot at the meetings you have attended.

    Trannies are not people of color, but they are an oppressed minority.

  43. Jose: I will have to wait until I am facing a ballot with a non White Conservative and White Liberal. I can not imagine that is a choice I will ever have to make. I would probably vote for the non White Conservative. But I will have to wait until that is going to happen. Hypothetical questions like these have no value. The sole purpose of your questions is to try to get me to paint myself in a logic corner.

    As I have said before. It is all very simple. If it isn’t simple to you, then I don’t give a damn that you don’t understand.

  44. Jose; I have no idea what a Beta Male is. I have never heard of that before.

  45. Jose: The working class in Cuba has much better health care than the working clasd in the United States. The difficulties in Cuba are due to 60 yeats of United States blockade, and not due to Socialism.

    Venezuela is not a Socialist country. There are many Capitalists in Venezuela.

    North Korea is in the clutches of a Cult of Personality that has derailed Socialism there. The same horrible tragedy happened in the Soviet Union under Stalin. Those are examples of what American Communism can avoid.

    Pol Pot was talen out by the Vietnamese Communists. Vietnam did the world a great service when they invaded Cambodia and got rid of the Khmer Rouge.

    Mao’s Cultural Revolution is another example of learning from the mistakes of history. American Communism will not be like Mao or Pol Pot or the Kim dynasty.

    Lenin was great. He wasn’t perfect but no one is. He was planning to get rid of Stalin but died too soon.

    Communists today are not tied to the people or countries of the past. We can learn from their mistakes and not replicate their tragedies. Instead we can implement the the things they did right and build our own future based on the situation today.

  46. I am sorry for all the typos. Last December I was diagnosed with cataracts. My vision gets blurry after a few minutes of reading and typing. I look at the screen and think I spelled things correctly. It os only on rereading that I discover my misspellings.

  47. It’s amazing how stupid racist Stock is. He keeps trying to spin how wonderful these commie countries are, when in fact they’re not. If Cuba’s healthcare is so great, why did Castro end up going to Madrid for treatment?

  48. Puto, I’m Afro-Cuban. You’d be a lot more welcome at KKK meetings than I would. You are also lying about health care in Cuba. The communist regime lies about their statistics. The health care in Cuba in reality is terrible, like in every other socialist country. And yes Venezuela’s a socialist country now. I know many people who fled there, which literally millions of people have. You should try talking to them.

    If socialist Vietnam is so great, why did millions of people flee it in rickety boats, with many dying? Lenin killed millions of people and sent millions fleeing his country too. If the problem was just a few people why did these disasters happen in every single country run by socialists? Stock keeps spinning ridiculous lies.

    As for beta male go look in Google then go look in the mirror.

  49. My questions are not hypothetical. You admit more and more people who are not white are voting conservative. More and more are running for office, too. You forgot to answer whether women are an oppressed “minority” (actually majority) and whether you would vote for a conservative woman over a liberal beta male. That is becoming a very common situation for many voters.

  50. Stock’s cataracts must be growing into his brain. He defined colored people as anybody who is not welcome at a kkk meeting. I guessed that white liberal losers are probably not welcome at kkk meetings either, and supposing that is true, I logically asked him a pretty obvious follow up question, does he therefore think that makes white liberals and leftists colored people.

    Stock side stepped with a nonsequitur about how white Republicans are welcome at kkk meetings and wrongly guessed that I am one. Actually I am not white and I am an independent conservative. The original question still remains unanswered. Stock illogically presumed I am white even though this very day he also claimed that almost all Hispanics are not white. Why would he assume I’m the exception? Or is he just trying to deflect from the increasingly obvious fact that he actually already has painted himself into a corner?

    At this point he should turn around and face that corner with a dunce cap on his head. Repeating Castro propaganda? Come on. Who does he think he is fooling? Shame on this fool.

    This guy actually has the balls to say that those who want everyone judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character would belong in kkk meetings, but those like him who judge people by the color of their skin are not racist? That’s exactly backwards. The kkk judges people by the color of their skin, just like stock. If I wasn’t the wrong color to be kkk they still wouldn’t like me just like I wouldn’t like them, because I judge people based on their choices and achievements in life, while Stock and the kkk judge people by things they have no control over.

  51. Maybe we’re getting STOCK all wrong. Maybe he is not really a commie, but is actually still a libertarian and his whole shtick is just an act. I think he is probably just doing an imitation of a stupid communist to illustrate just how ridiculous and crazy COMMIES are. He’s too way over the top to be real.

  52. Disco Stick: I work Monday through Friday 11PM to 7PM. Motel 6 in El Reno Oklahoma. It won’t be a long conversation, but you can confirm that I work there.

  53. Stock knows he lost the argument about communism, so he gives up. Typical loser.

  54. I made my points. There is nothing else to say. I am happy to let the conversation stand and let folks decide for themselves what they think about it.

  55. Remaining unanswered questions for Stock:

    1. Does stock also extend his voting preferences to women? If a conservative woman runs against a liberal beta male which one does stock vote for? Or is genetalia not a consideration for stock, only race?

    2. If socialist Vietnam is so great, why did millions of people flee it in rickety boats, with many dying? Lenin killed millions of people and sent millions fleeing his country too. If the problem was just a few people why did these disasters happen in every single country run by socialists?

    3. Stock’s cataracts must be growing into his brain. He defined colored people as anybody who is not welcome at a kkk meeting. I guessed that white liberal losers are probably not welcome at kkk meetings either, and supposing that is true, I logically asked him a pretty obvious follow up question, does he therefore think that makes white liberals and leftists colored people.

    4. Stock side stepped with a nonsequitur about how white Republicans are welcome at kkk meetings and wrongly guessed that I am one. Actually I am not white and I am an independent conservative. The original question still remains unanswered. Stock illogically presumed I am white even though this very day he also claimed that almost all Hispanics are not white. Why would he assume I’m the exception? Or is he just trying to deflect from the increasingly obvious fact that he actually already has painted himself into a corner?

    Let’s strip these questions down.

    1) Who does Stock vote for between a conservative woman and a leftist with male genitalia?

    2) If the problems of socialism were due to cults of personality, what are some socialist countries where these problems did not occur?

    3) If Stock wants to claim that Lenin’s USSR or communist Vietnam and Cuba were/are great, why did millions of people flee these countries and more die trying?

    4) Does Stock believe that white leftists are welcome at KKK meetings?

    5) If not, does that make them “people of color”?

    6) Does Stock believe that people who believe that everyone should be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character, as I do, would be welcome at KKK meetings?

    7) If I was white and still held this belief, would I be welcome at a KKK meeting?

    8) If not, would it make me a “person of color”?

    9) Given that Stock believes very few Hispanics are white, why would he think I was white?

    10) Does Stock really believe the regime in Cuba puts out accurate statistics about health care or anything else?

    I can understand why Stock would run away in shame from these questions which he can’t logically answer.

    Just out of curiosity I am wondering why Stock thinks Ted Cruz is one of what he believes are very few white Hispanics, too. Has he done a lot of genealogical research about Cruz’s father? Even in the unlikely case he has, he may have forgotten to consider that Spain was under the occupation of Muslim Moors from Africa for centuries. It was also a haven for Jews for centuries, whose ancestors were sometimes bred with African slaves as slaves themselves under empires in Egypt and Rome. Yet when they converted under heavy pressure to Christianity they were considered no different than any ordinary Spaniard. Thus Spanish ancestry is itself heavily laden with African blood through interbreeding with African slaves under Egyptians, Romans and Moors, and through Moorish conquest, irrespective of what happened later in the new world centuries later.

    But the same can be said of people with ancestry from southern Italy, Portugal, etc. Are they “people of color”? Is Stock a cuomosexual?

    I can understand why Stock has nothing else to add, given the corner he painted himself into. Shame on Stock, even if he is incapable of feeling shame, he deserves all the shaming he can get.

  56. No way you can come up with any logical answers, I know. You really didn’t even have to tell us again. It was already really obvious.

  57. Stock needs to go away again. He is embarrassing himself.


  59. Even Thomas Jones hates Stock. That’s retard on retard crime!

  60. Current Putin mass murder in Ukraine due to the 6 MORON hack USA Prezs –

    failing to get REAL Democracy into Russia since 1991 –

    Bush I
    Clinton – esp in 1994 nukes out of Ukraine and 1999 allowing Putin to get POWER
    Bush II
    Obama – esp 2014 takeover of Crimea
    Biden – stooge hack of Obama in 2014.

    3 commie Donkeys and 3 dumb Elephants

  61. az: Putin is not a Communist. The Communist Party in Russia is part of the opposition to Putin’s United Russia Party.

  62. How long was Putin a killer agent of the RED commie secret police in the RED commie USSR regime ???

    Only total morons can think that killer tyrant Putin is NOT a communist — in the line of killer tyrants Lenin and Stalin.

  63. az: Putin was a killer agent of the KGB for a long time. Putin does admire Stalin, and looks to him as a role model, but that does not make him a Communist.

    Putin helped Yelsin create a new Russia leaving the USSR behind. Putin is not a member of the Communist Party in Russia. Putin is opposed to the ideology and platform of the Communist Party in Russia.

    There is no doubt that Putin is a brutal murdering dictator, but only a total moron would say Putin is a Communist.

  64. Stock actually got one thing right. Putin is no longer a commie and hasn’t been in decades. It’s not true that Putin is a dictator, though. Aside from the many times he was elected over and over, there have been many opinion polls in Russia, including by independent agencies that don’t support Putin. His popularity has ranged from lows well into the 60s to highs well into the 80s. Compare that with puppet xiden who needs help from biased polls to make it into the 30s.

  65. Even Thomas Jones thinks Stock is a moron. Let that sink in.

  66. The communists destroyed churches and school prayer in Russia. Putin builds churches and brought school prayer back.

  67. How many DEAD / maimed-for-life Ukrainians due to killer tyrant Putin and his gang of killers/ enslavers ???

  68. Due to nazi terrorist criminal traitor gang which carried out coup in Ukraine in 2014.

  69. Cawthorn will ultimately prevail and be elected again, as well as move up in leadership ranks. He has a very bright future.

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